Whose DCs have said the strangest things?

Here’s some that I’ve had recently

dad’s hourly alarm goes off for 6:00 AM and neither of us slept
Dad: “Hey Austyn! Look, it’s the six flats!”

teacher and me have a conversation
T: "Hey, Austyn! How are you?
Me: “Taco”
T: “what was that?”
Me: “Taco”
T: “what do you mean?”
Me: “Taco taco!”
T: “Have you had any other weird obsessions lately?”
Me: “TACO TACO!” :grrr:

*I’m lucid
DC: “You realize that you’re lucid, right?”
Me: "Well duh! Now I’m gonna go teleport… see ya’!

Hahahahaha I loved the TACO ones and the one about the lava pit.

In my last LD, think it was, I took off into the sky and a lady started shouting at me:
Kinda strange, escpecially since I don’t know anybody named smithy.

On my way to school i get stopped by a friend which tells me its tracksuit bottom day.

DC: You have to wear tracksuits today for school.
Me: Meh. Do i have to? I hate sports.
DC: Well if you dont you have to sit around and drink lemonade all day.
Me: Uh… fair enough.

Aparenly drinking lemonade wasnt to appealing to my dreamself.
Atleast i THOUGHT it was strange when he said it :tongue:

A DC was calling to me from across the room, I couldn’t hear him. So he started making hand signs at me; I understood perfectly. Redundantly the DC behind me said “psst, he says he needs a cell phone charger”

I saw the words “Tengo siento” written on the wall, I don’t even know Spanish :tongue:

I have a dictionary, that says “lo siento” means “I am sorry” :spinning:

Aha, that’s the missing piece of my puzzle.

So on the wall was written “I have sorry”… weird

DC: (in sing-song voice) “To say that I’m the greatest man alive, is not such a big exaggeration!”

“Siento” may also refer to “I feel”. In both Portuguese and Spanish, the word siento (Spanish) / sinto (Portuguese) alone mean “[I] feel”. When you use it along with lo (lo siento, Spanish) or muito (sinto muito, Portuguese), it has the meaning of “I’m sorry”. So, while it’s still weird, “Tiengo Siento” could be translated as “(I) Have (I) Feel”

I like this one

Blue Self-Existing Eagle, Galactic 1, kin 95Saturday Feb 7

We Did It (fragment)

(DO) In a large open area. Two powerful male DCs say to a normal female DC, “You don’t think it happened just here, do you? We placed you here.” :eh:

no Tengo siento means i am not i have so it meant i am sorry

DC looks at watch on my wrist “Err… you’re wearing it in the wrong spot” he lifts up his sleeve… watch near shoulder “This is where it should be”

Me: “But look at his!” I point to a friend who has his watch halfway up his arm “maybe I should’ve gotten a wristwatch…”

Eeer sorry, but no. As a native speaker of Portuguese, which shares a lot of similarities with Spanish, as well as a Spanish descendant… “Tengo” means “[I] have”.

“Am” would be, literally, “Soy”. Actually, it’s a bit more complicated, but in a few words, Tengo is another form of “Tener”, which mostly refers to “have”. It CAN refer to the verb “to be”, but ONLY when it refers to adjectives, as in a person’s height, weight, age or qualities. More about it here: spanishdict.com/translate/tener

I was in a train station when Snape exited a train and said: "Why do you have aluminium around your hand? I answered: "Thats how my mother stores stuff :lol:

my last dream i had a bartender offer me “withdrawal pills”. there were about 50 of them kept in one of those larger vitamin bottles. they were the size of a movie ticket stub and had the thickness of saltine cracker. when i decided not to take them he said something like “they are always here if you need them, you have become a good friend of ours” (“ours” being the people in the saloon-like bar)

I actually had this dream years ago but I woke up and wrote down immediately what was said to me. I found the paper the other day when I was going through some stuff. It took me a minute to remember why I had written this stuff down.

I was kidnapped by aliens. I was on the bridge of their ship. The captain was speaking to me in a deep, authoritative voice and he looked :ysim: like a cross between a man and a ram. He was very tall. Here is what he said:

I am everything and nothing
All that will never be
I rule your world
Free you will always see
You hear my words
It’s message you will not heed
Compelled to me
Rejection sets you free
I will give you strength
Weakness drawn, will I feed

sees smiling DC
Me: What’s it like to be a DC?
DC (still smiling): That, is non of your business!!!

Me: Hey, Astrid! (my sister)
Astrid: Hey! this is Alex, my best friend. She beats me to death everyday!

Evil DC, as he is impaling me on his own, metal head: FOIN!!! (foin = hay in french :eh: )

Me: I’m dreaming, this is a dream!
lots of DCs turn around
DC: Ridiculous!!!

A nightmare DC has recently said to me…

She screamed it to alarm the other people so they could kill me with guns and knives. :tongue:

in one of my recent dreams, a man from the NSA came to my house and eventually ended up laying in my bed, as if testing it out.

he then asked me “you often have vivid dreams, don’t you?”

Haha, these are fun to read. One dream, I was at a dance party (woooo!) when a strange DC simply walks up and asks me “How is your cat?” It was so out of place that I woke up.

This is sort of unrelated, but another time I was taking a test and one of the questions was “What do humans put in their tea?” I love the random things that happen in dreams! :lol: