Why can't I move?

this happened to me! I can’t move and can see trough my eyelids it’s another room ,similair but not quitte right.
I can see in 360 degredes trough the back of my head.
the strange thing is that I can awake or gett up whenever i want IRL.
in this condition i can move my hands sometimes also IRL.
I can see my hands moving trough my eyelids.
what is this?does somebody knows? :help:

@velcrew sounds like SP. I had a very similar experience in which I saw my IRL room through closed eyelids. Pretty sure it was just my mind recreating it.

@Leonie Holy crap… can you teach me that? If I could open my eyes in the middle of a dream, observe, and then close them and go back to dreaming, maybe even move a limb, I’d be able to silence the annoying alarm on the weekend and go back to dreaming…

sowwy I just now scrolled throught this topic again…

@Scipio haha! I’d say don’t set your alarm clock :tongue:

@velcrew I’m kinda in the middle of exploring that, some say it’s OBE some say lucid some say SP with a bit of lucid…

oh and I still don’t know why not being able to move happened… maybe I was too excited after all