Why did you choose the nick you have now???

Yay…another Final Fantasy Player! We are taking over the forum. :tongue:

lol … final fantasy forever! :cool:

Daysong was the name of a character in a story I was writing a year or so ago. I never ended up finishing the story, but the name Daysong was so pretty that I couldn’t let it go to waste. I’m not quite sure why it’s lowercase… I guess it just looked nifty like that :grin:

When it comes to usernames I try to be cool or witty…but I wasn’t feeling overly cool or witty when I joined so I just went for Pedro. My name is Peter but I HATE that name! A few people I know call me Pedro including my family as my dad is also called Peter and it gets confusing!

Other ideas was thinking about:
Pedro, Lord of the Ovaries.
Voice of the voiceless

Umm I dunno…Pedro is pretty boring but at least it’s simple and easy to spell, right?

Pedro is also funny character from polish book for kids.He allways curses “Carramba” and is very likable villain:)

I coudn’t come up with a good nickname so I just used my last name.
I don’t think the letter Ö is supported, so I had to spell it with O

I based my nick on one of my favorite books by Richard Bach. After I found out my brother’s e-mail address was TN_Adrom (mordant backwards), I did the same thing with “illusions” and put the underscore between sno and issuli to mess people up. Anyhow, I highly recommend Illusions. It’s a great read.

I’ve been using my nick for about 8 years or so already. It’s a japanese female name that I first heard in an anime called Sailormoon. I just like the name cause it starts with M (as my real name) and cuase it sounds so cute. It actually means a beautiful child. :content: