Why Mint Tea will help YOU recall dreams PART-II

Traum inspires?!! What about me?!?! :cool_laugh:

Lol Chosenone your always an inspiration to everyone, including yourself !8D


Haha, good one :content:

oh so i bought some of those york peppermint patty bites, would those do anything?

and i’m drinking brisk iced tea, which is tea, even if it’s all sugar…

LOL, look: Just try it with no scepticizm (sp?) and post back if they DO work. Asking if it does or not will not help anyone, especially not you.

“Mint tea might induce LD’s”
“I drink Earl Grey - will that work?”

shakes head

didn’t work

Ok so cross it off the list and go buy some Lipton Mint Tea :content:

Last night i had a cup of (using 1 tea bag) “Celestial Seasons Pepermint Tea” and added 10 drops of “Burts Bees Pepermint Breath Drops”. I do say that three dreams were remembered, which is up 30% over most nights :wink: But none were lucid :sad:


LOL you added breath drops to your tea?! Orwell would flip in his grave :happy:

Don’t overdo it, people. And breath drops probably have synthetic stuff anyway… but nice to hear about increased dream recall.

Wow, you guys have got me hooked! Mint tea is the greatest, even if it doesn’t increase my recall much. It’s good for you, it tastes nice and it’s so easy to make!

My method: Pick a handful of mint from the garden (fresh and organic), stick them in a cup, pour in boiling water and leave for 5-7 mins.

I think our mint is spearmint, or something similar, perhaps that’s why it doesn’t work for me.

Oh and another thing… What does almost everyone do before going to bed? Clean their teeth. What does almost everyone use to clean their teeth?? Toothpaste. And what flavour is almost everyone’s toothpaste??? MINT!

I remember reading on one of these “everything is a conspiracy” websites that the fluoride they put in toothpaste (and even in the tap water) does something to hinder a part of the creative brain or something like that. I don’t know anything about it except that rumor from a questionable source… but maybe that’s why it’s so hard for us to LD, which is really a natural process. :neutral:

Just to rest your minds…the all natural ingredients of the “Pepermint Drops” i use are:

Vegetable glycerin, purified water, pepermint oil, chlorophyll.

All ok for health by my library of health books.


…Last nite’s experiment? = Yogurt 1 hr before sleep. Didn’t remember a bloomin thing, but i slept like a baby!

i have an american box of lipton mixed flavors, and for the mint ingredients it says black tea leavesm natural mint flavor.
But now i’m thinking, since this is flavored black tea, maybe that’s what the lipton tea is that u guys are all talking about, it’s black tea with mint added.
so maybe that’s why they have seperate peppermint tea!!! cuz that doesn’t have black tea in it
ok, by now either you’ve got everything or i’ve totally confused u…

p.s. does anybody know if adding milk or sugar to the tea will make it lose its power???

Ewww, you really want to add milk and sugar to mint tea?

I doubt if it will do any harm, except maybe kill the taste ( maybe that’s your point ? ).

The mint tea I have been drinking, which improves my dream clarity is Twinings Camomile & Spearmint herbal infusion. It contains 30% spearmint leaves, 27.9% camomile, also strawberry leaves, orange flowers, linden (?) flowers, lemon grass, passion flowers, rosehips and rose buds.
I have also tried many other mint teas, this one is my favourite so far.

If you want to add something else to make it taste a little less minty, try using another flavour of teabag along with the mint one. Celestial Seasonings Lemon Zinger is delicious. You can make your tea double strength (2 bags in one cup) or use twice as much water and chill the leftovers in the fridge for a nice cool drink. Mmm…tasty, tasty.
Make sure you brew the tea for at least the recommended time (usually 3-5 minutes), it tastes better at full strength.

I also recommend you buy some real mint tea which is 100% mint leaves usually, unless it is blended with camomile or some other herb. Make sure that the mint is the main ingredient though, it tastes very different to black tea.

i think the reason my mint tea needs 2 be sweetened is cuz its mint flavored black tea. i luv the taste of mint tho, so mebe the pure mint idea would help
:cool_laugh: thanx

Yeah well my Lipton Mint Tea says Ingredients: Mint.

That’s ALL :content:

try one bag TAZO® Zen (green tea, lemon verbena, spearmint,and lemongrass) and one bag TAZO® Refresh (peppermint leaves, spearmint leaves, and tarragon). and honey to sweeten. Its helped my dream recall and vividness.

I think somebody psoted this on an earlier page. The verdict was that sugar contains too much energy and will keep you awake for too long. Best to use honey to sweeten it.

As for milk… BLEUGH! :bored: milk in mint tea sounds horrible! Unless it is black tea with mint in.

The mint tea I use is either bags of peppermint (nothing else) or I use fresh spearmint from the garden. Either of them relax you nicely but I havent noticed any better dream recall. I think I’m not going to bed soon enough after drinking it… I’ll keep on trying though.