Wierd dreams when sick (fever)

When i was sick the beginning of the year i head [i]very[/] weird dreams (featuring exploding eMails amongst other things … :roll: )i think that had something to do with the strong headaches i head :wink:

You too? In fever dreams, I usually get this feeling that I’m being watched or chased. I usually have my most intense nightmares during a fever. Then I wake up in a cold sweat and have a migraine or something similar.

HeHu, I have the hallucinations too. Do you mean the feeling that time, sound is disconnected? It feels almost like you’re walking through a hot hell, with wet cotton in your ears? Every sound seems like far away? Your body feels a little tingly, shaky?

I’ve been having the time/sound, nausea, tingling sensations, and the “hot hell cotton” instances since before I can remember (The farthest back I can go is when I was five.) It seemed almost like there was a one to two minute lag between seeing things happen and hearing things happen, and even then you weren’t sure if you were real, if everything was real due to the hallucinations.

Those were extremely frightening moments to go through, especially when I was younger. :neutral:

The last time I was ill, I’d fallen alseep a couple of times throughout the day, and had a weird experience when I went to bed that night. I just spontaniously had a WILD :happy:, without even trying. I think I had another couple of LDs later that night too. Strangely, it’s the only time I’ve managed to WILD. It made up for being ill though :smile:

welli was just reading about on wiki, and it says that high stress levels or a fever can cause, nightmares, or such starnge dreams, could it have been that you where waking up needing a drink, ect, coz you already unknowingly had a slight fever over sunday?

I have had a fever for 2 days now, and as always had some really weird dreams, one of them saw myself and lots of others sitting on the side of a cliff like birds for no good reason, at one point whilst waking up in my fever induced haze I actually managed to convince myself that it was perfectly normal. Last night had me trying to work out how work surfaces were electrically joined together I also managed to reason this out as plausible because I have a shelf with books on them… !!! Wtf

The fever is now receding so I hope to have a more normal nights sleep.

Interestingly, over the last week I’ve been sick and have had two lengthy lucid dreams. Right now I’m not in “practice mode,” so that’s a pretty impressive feat for me (I’d only have two in one week if I were actively trying to have them). No fever, but I do remember waking up shortly before the LD. I think the cold wakes me up, and it sort of serves as an unplanned WBTB.

Myself, I dont usually have dreams with a temperature. I just keep waking up a bunch of times during the night and its an effort to fall asleep every time. I hate sleeping with a fever. I always wake up in the morning feeling like a brick :sad: