WILD question

Hi it’s LucidStudent, haven’t posted here in months. :shy: Well anyway I have a question for you guys.

Lately I have had large success with inducing lucid dreams directly through SP. I remain partially awake while I’m drifting off to sleep and upon entering SP, I imagine myself rising from bed and open my eyes thus beginning a lucid dream. My question is, is doing this considered WILDing? I make no attempt to focus on hypnogogic hallucinations, which makes me suspect that I was wrong all of these months assuming I was WILDing. On the other hand, the dreams are “wake-initiated” and conform to the definiton.

Also, almost all of the dreams I have induced using this technique are extremely vague and I find it very hard to see. Its somewhat hard to explain but no matter how hard I try to increase my lucidity the dream never gets vivid. It feels as though my eyes are half-closed and my visibility is so poor I can’t even count the fingers on my hand. They are nothing compared to some of the DILDS I have had in the past. Although this doesn’t relate to my question I was just wondering if anyone here had experienced anything similar, and have some advice for me.

  1. Yep, that’s WILD.
  2. Try rubbing your hands, spinning, or screaming: “Increase Mah Vision u N00b3y Subconcious!”

:gni: haha I never tried screaming before, better try that tonight. I hope by subconcious isn’t easily offended.

It’s definately a WILD, but it’s low-level lucidity.
I think the reason for the lack of clarity is because you are in the first phase of REM sleep (directly after going to sleep at night).
If you can wake in the night for a short period of time (4am for instance) you should then find that this technique will give you a much more powerful result. The first phase of REM sleep is short but it’s also much weaker than the later stages of REM, which I think is where you should direct your efforts. Try waking for 5 minutes during the night and then try WILD. You should find that your lucidity level is much greater as a result.

Yeah and what happens when you prolong your WILD?
Can you make it last a long time?
Try keeping the dream going untill you reach the deeper stages of sleep!

Hi back LucidStudent! :wave:

You’re WILD’ing. The technique is not important, there are lots of WILD’ing techniques.
A lot of WILD’ers and astral projecters say they have the same problem with visuals. Curiously, they feel the need to “open their eyes”, just like you do. :confused:
IMO, you’re in a n-REM sleep stage, that’s why you have so few visuals. I don’t think it’s because of a low-lucidity level. You should perhaps try to induce a falling feeling, it could solidify the dream.
Read the dialogs between Xetrov and Popov in the Do you think OBE’s are LD’s? and Advanced Lucid Dreaming topics, I hope you should find some good ideas for your problem.

Wow that’s facinating. I would have never guessed that I was in a n-rem dream. That would seem to explain alot. I better try to attempt that falling thing as well. Btw thx for acknowledging my return Basilus West, maybe I’ll have the chance to get to know you guys better now that it’s summer…