Windows... VISTA!

Is it just me or is Opera more trouble than it’s worth? I’ve been using it for years but ever since it hit 9.xx I have been having many errors and crashes while browsing. Maybe I should go back to FF.

It’s not just you. Opera has caused more than just crashes for me – it has consumed my bandwidth at one point, preventing internet traffic other than itself.


just got a new laptop with vista premium and I can’t see what most people are complaining about. I get the funny feeling most peoples issues with vista are hardware related as not all hardware has been updated to work for vista yet or will ever be.

I’ve found only one bug where the theme resets to vista basic but thats about it. Obviously its a new operating system and there will be bugs to fix here and there but over all its not done me any harm.

The programes I’ve found to work on vista that I think are pretty handy are

Firefox + noscript + ad block plus
Avast antivirus free awesome antivirus
Zone alarm free edition
Trillian allows you to :smile: use msn, yahoo, irc and more all at the same time
VLC player this handy video player can play anything you through at it no need for codec installs
SmartFTP my favourite FTP client

Thats the software I most recently installed and have working :smile:.

For the Mac users who like Firefox, I recently found the web browser made by Firefox for Macs: Camino. It’s really, really nice.

It has been TWO months of talking to Mohammad in India at Dell Support about getting a replacement PC and I’m still empty handed. They were supposed to ship the new hard drive two weeks ago.

Next computer, screw it. I’ll get a Mac, thankyouverymuch.

I have a few problems with vista, it seems to be slowing down a lot and the desktop manager takes A LOT of memory space and slows it down. I do not understand these things though.

I have a question for Vista users though. What free Antivirus works the best, and includes firewall as well? Or is the firewall from Vista enough?
Is free AVG better than Avast?

Thanks a lot for all help :smile: :help:

If you have slowdown, first defrag your hard drive, and if it’s still slow, then you may need more memory. Vista uses a couple hundred megs of RAM even when it’s just sitting there. You’ll want at least 1 gig of RAM for Vista, and 2 gigs or more if you plan on playing recent games with Vista.

And Avast is better. But Kaspersky is best.

Is Karspersky free? Would it be functioning as a firewall as well?

The full Kaspersky is around 50 bucks, and I do believe it has firewall capabilities. Not free, but it’ll save hundreds in the long run.

My new Dell came yesterday. It didn’t work either. Moral: