Wing Types...whats urs?

Nice dragon/bat wings. Black and silver. I’ve tried avian wings and they’re not the same. Bat wings seem to have more control. Probably because they use their fingers to fly. :cool:

Huge butterfly wings with multi-coloured patterns :cool:

My wings would be silver, feathered wings, but for some reason the words “angel wings” don’t seem right to describe them. They are sharper, more angular than angel wings, but also soft and feathery, I guess. :content:

phoenix wings… of course :content:

sounds awsome to me :happy:

Looks like we’re one of a kind when it comes to that! :grin:

Dragon wings, red spines, blue and red that make up the rest. I had it down to the body in City of Heroes… economy…

I am not a big fan of wings per se, but perhaps something like the flying squirrel has. :yes:

If i had wings, they would look similar to a dragons, but slightly feathered along the structured part. The flaps of skin between that would be leathery and perhaps have a small hole or two, maybe some scratches… Also, I would have two “thumb spikes” (with lack of a better word -maybe there is a word for that part of a wing- ) one purple and one green on each wing… My wings would be a dark color, but when shone in the correct light, they would give off a rainbow glisten (sort of like motor oil in a puddle) The feathers would be all different colors of UV reactiveness, but in regular light, they wouldn’t be overly neon either. (Man, way to get me thinking! I so want to draw this out… :happy: )

merged into an existing topic

1)Feather Wings

2)Angelic Wings

3)Dragon Wings

4)Butterfly Wings

actually, i fly without wings with no problem :smile: i have never tried it with wings, but maybe i should when i get the chance :smile: so if i do, i’d probably go either with the 1st one or the 2nd one :smile:

I love flying with feathered wings like in the 4th picture :happy:

I’ve already, way back, posted mine, but I do remember a fun one from dreams, years ago. They were a white, 3D wireframe wings, looking very cartoony, like something you would see in an old videogame or something.

Angel wings, but black. With bits of red streaked in there.

Jet black, fluffy, but evil looking :devil: