Writing a letter to Mr./Mrs. Lucid Dream!

Hello there,

my first post and i hope you can read it because my english isn´t so good.

I am dreaming lucid for about 6 month.

So I have a new technique that works best for me and maybe it can help some of you.

It was a night where I tried the WBTB technique. So I felt asleep and had short ND before I woke up again. I didn´t move and slowly I felt that I was in the zone ( no not basketball ) between waking and sleeping state where my thoughts so absolutely clear. Then I thought of writing my sub-conciousness a letter… sounds crazy I know. But then I began writing the letter in my thoughts like:

Dear Mrs. ( or Mr. ) Lucid Dream,

I haven´t seen you so many nights…I miss it to fly………………………………………
bla bla bla……………………………………………………………… I hope we will see us soon.

And in the same night I had 3 totally vivid lucid dreams. In the whole month before I had 5 and now 3 in one night.

After I woke up I had to smile because who gets the idea of writing him-/herself a letter?

I tried it several times after that night and it works in over 50%. I think it’s the same as telling you “i´m dreaming” until you fell asleep but “the letter” is the funny version.

Maybe someone of you will try it and please let me know if it works.

And I have a question to you about how long you can stay lucid? In my LD´s it´s a few seconds to about 5 min. but I can´t get over it. I think it´s possible to stay lucid the whole REM-sleep period. Or comes the time with the experience?

Thank you for reading…and good dreaming

Sounds like a very interesting way to MILD! I’ll have to try this out sometime.

Thats a very creative way of having a LD! I really like it, I will be sure to try it tonight. Hopefully I can become lucid using this method :smile: .

Sounds really interesting… Rather than telling yourslef you are kind of… asking yourself, its a good idea, im going to try it too ^.^

I’m definitly trying this tonight, it sounds quite funny

Sounds like you’re using a form of autosuggestion - but I think it’s great! Almost like relationship building for your conscious and sub conscious minds (or… marriage counselling?).

Yes, me and Mrs. Lucid Dream have some problems sometimes…but I think we will work it out! :smile:

Hmmm, sounds viable… I’ll try it tonight!

I like the idea. ^^
I’ll definitely try this out tonight.

Hmm…very interesting, but wouldnt this contradict the common advice to KNOW that you will have a lucid dream as opposed to wanting, or waiting for it?

Just a comment,
