You know you've been lucid dreaming too long, when...

…You have 316 posts.

Wahey, 316 posts!

…when you wont let anybody turn the TV channel because something to do with dreaming is on
…You keep looking at you hands during sex to make sure it’s not an LD
…Your new (yet old) LD knloage limits your vocab to “Lucid” and “Dreaming”
…You jump out of a window to find to your dismay that you are dead
…You can list La barges works from A to Z
…You hate getting up in the morning more than most people do

=> you tell your teacher to screw off and then try to explain to the principal that you thought you were dreaming.
=> You injure yourself or others doing something very stupid, cause you thought you were dreaming
=> When you hear the sarcastic phrase “in your dreams” you laugh and think how true it is or could be.
=> You attempt to LD while in chemistry class cause your bored, and go to sleep. :eh:

I always do that :grin:

me too:
my enemy:“you are stupid”
me:“yeah well i could punch your face in any day”
enemy:“in your dreams”
me"in my dreams eh? yes thats a very good idea heheheh"

Every time your watch battery runs down, you start flapping your arms.

No attractive member of the opposite sex reading a foreign newspaper is safe.

:grin: These are great! You guys are so creative :peek:

=> You know the difference between MILD WILD WBTB…
=> You give up putting on makeup because it takes too much of your morning time that you could be writing in your DJ
=> During a ‘goal setting’ class at school you write under short term goals ‘Fly, morph into an animal, complete WILD…’ with no explanation to your teacher
=> Instead of writing notes during boring classes you try and explain LDing to your neighbor, no matter who they are

lol at WaNnAbE - Are those from experience or just your imagination?

=> People regard you as an LD fountain of knowledge, and you can rattle off your “all-the-RCs” routine, including actually doing the RCs, in under 1 minute.

I ahve found that most people find RCs the most interesting thing about lucid dreaming… I dunno why.

lol lmao I haven’t laughed so hard in a while! ahahahah
you guys are too funny

My cheeks are starting to hurt, from experience this is a time to read more later…

=> You start threatening your teacher at a crucial exam by yelling that you’ll morph him into a cockroach if he doesn’t kiss your feet right now.
=> You try jumping through a mirror, taking a LONG running start.
=> You start to unscrew your legs in the middle of a supermarket.
=> People say you’re a desperate loser because you keep. repeating “behind this door I’ll find Britney Spears” everytime you stand in front of a door.
=> Someone serves you a summons because you keep harassing people with idiotic behaviour such as jumping around and dancing in the middle of a restaurant while crying and shouting that you’re dreaming.
=> The vice squad arrests you on a charge of … well, you can fill in the rest I guess :tongue:
=> Your mom starts freaking out because guys in big heavy white suits storm into the house, carrying Geiger counters which make this kinda strange ticking noise…
=> Doctors carry you away in a straitjacket because you kept grabbing for the sun in public.

=> You watch X-man for insperation.
=> You have beaten the crap outta Neo, Trinity, Morphius, Agent Smith, the white guys and Neobi. All at the same time.
=> You go to bed at 7:30pm sharpish.
=> You set your school on fire, and laugh at all the silly DCs running around on fire. And then you take a RC…
=> You buy a dictionary, and constantly quote the word ‘lucid’ to your freinds.
=> You staple your eyelids shut.

…while reading somthing you put your finger on it. expecting a small little pop up bubble with explain it to you.

=> When there’s an earthquake at night you’re happy because “you finally feel the vibrations”.
=> You live on a diet of B-vitamins, mint thea and Calea Z.
=> You’re broken because you spent all your money on NovaDreamer, LD books and brainwave CD’s. And you don’t care about it.
=> You lose your job, wife and friends because the only thing you do is surfing on this forum.
=> You steal babies in the local maternity home and sacrifice them to PasQuale :tongue:
=> Your wife leaves you because she read your dream diary and found out about your nightly sexual escapades.
=> You don’t understand why everybody except you thinks Waking Life is a boring movie.
=> You’re convinced lucid dreaming marks the beginning of a new era, and the end of all suffering.
=> You stopped reading magazines and newspapers and watching television because “they never mention lucid dreaming”. As a consequence, you miss the news about World War III. You think the H-Bomb falling on your head is the beginning of a spontaneous WILD.

=> You WILD as soon as you lay down and close your eyes
=> You only have REM-sleep
=> You become lucid as soon as you enter REM-sleep
=> Your visualization skills are so good that when you think it looks just like real life
=> You only have super high-level LD’s
=> You are Lucidity_master or Pedro :tongue:
=> You can sleepwalk when you LD
=> You KNOW what you will dream about tonight
=> You have seen every movie and read every artice about LD or dreams

=> when you find a ‘master list of lucid dreaming links’ on the internet you realise that you’ve been to them all
=> you start learning another language just so that you can learn about lucid dreaming from people who speak it
=> It REALLY bothers you when you cannot remember your dreams in the morning
=> You spontaniously dance for joy in the middle of school because you just remember your super-cool lucid dream that you had last night
=> you start staring at other peoples hands, counting their fingers, to make sure that your counting fingers reality check will work

[i]… you charge into your housemate’s bedroom at 6 am, shake him awake and yell “Pete, what’s the password?! Do you remember the password?!?” (after a mutual-dream attempt)

… you wake up, go downstairs, tell everyone about the amazing lucid dream you just had, then wake up again

… whenever you switch on a light only for the bulb to have blown, you yell “at last, another ld!” excitedly and hurl yourself face first into a large mirror

I have done all 3 :content:

=> You have a pill case with a set of LD drugs by your bed and it has pill sets for every day of the week
=> Your pill case can’t hold all your pills
=> You punch a random person in the face and wonder why he kicks your ass
=> You try to put your hand in the tv and get shocked badly
=> The cops know that its not pot :wink:
=> You wright a paper for your teacher on lucid dreaming
=> you get an A on said paper
=> Your homepage is (mine is :wink: )
=> You ask your sister for money to help further your lucid dreaming studys
=> You have your own lab

That’s so cool, I should get one of those!!

I got mine at a 1$ store.