You really aren't going to believe this....

So many things make this idea so very lol

  1. VCR. Fast Forward. Recording Problem Solved.

  2. Stand up as consumers and say you won’t buy it. Buy old equipment and use that. You need to show them the truth: The customer is always right.

  3. Someone will probably find the switch and turn it off, and tell everyone to turn it off, then say “zomg, were teh 1337 h4x4rs for teh w1n!”

  4. Failing everything… you could just… get up, and tend to that swolen bladder of yours… maybe go out, get some fresh air… kind of like people did back in 1996. Maybe even turn it off for a while? :eh:

[color=red][size=150]Tha Horrraaaah![/size][/color]

Naw, they’d put in a security system to control what you’re watching without your consent. The security system will be very malicious, and take over all the appliances in your house, and install something in your power box that will allow people to use your blender without your permission. People will be outraged, and demand a fix. Sony will give in, and release a fix. However, the fix will burn your house down. Meanwhile, hackers will have figured out how to bypass the security, which is accomplished by inserting a black marker into the audio in port, thus foiling millions of dollars of security research with a 2 dollar item. :cool_laugh:

Someone will bypass it. It said in the article that it would work similar to the PPV channels and we all know how bypassable they are.

Here’s a little something else you aren’t going to believe, this one is internet related.

Oh my god…