I have stopped taking ZMA right before bedtime after 2 weeks. I haven’t noticed any significant improvements in my dream recall at all. It’s still the same as before taking the ZMA. Most of the time I recall nothing at all, or sometimes a blurry flash of it.

I didn’t experience any other side effect -positive or negative- at all.

ZMA is no “dreaming-pill” for me…

Damn right. For best results, avoid taking with dairy or other calcium-containing foods or supplements. Take your 3 capsules on an empty stomach approximately 30-45 minutes before bed.

Yours has calcium. Or does Calcium Carbonate not have the same inhibitent affect on ZMA as calcium?

Only the patented version (by SNAC) is proven to work. ZMA should not contain any Calcium.

If you want cheap ZMA:

You live in Europe [mod]link to vendor removed - read guidelines[/mod]
I’ve just recently bought 160euro’s worth of supplements on that site.

Here’s another cheap supplement site for US, can’t find ZMA though: [mod]link to vendor removed[/mod]

Hi guys and girls!
I am new to the forum, but I hope this will bring a bit into the discussion of ZMA. I have taken it in the past for fitness purposes, but back then I did not notice any effects due to poor sleeping habits and a lot of stress.

Recently, I dug up a half-full tub of ZMA and began taking it (for fitness purposes again). But, prior to supplementing with ZMA I never remembered my dreams. A few days after beginning ZMA I started remembering most of my dreams without making any effort.

This night, although I slept shorter than usual, I was able to become lucid for a few moments within my dream. So it seems that the ZMA is doing it’s job well: results in the mirror after working out and spontaneous lucid dreams. Excited to find this community and hope to get more lucid dreams soon :smile:

That being said, I think ZMA is worth trying out. The brand name stuff is a tad expensive, but there is an alternative: you can get the zinc, magnesium, and vit. B complex separately. Just make sure that the minerals are aspartates, other forms of these supplements are not as well absorbent, so if it says Elemental Magnesium 600mg, your body can only absorb a fraction of it. You can, of course, take more pills, but that just puts unnecessary strain on your digestive system, and with a stomach full of pills you might end up vomiting, especially if you take it on an empty stomach.

As a side note, the recommended dosage (3 capsules) is intended for bodybuilding/fitness purposes. If you get a lot of exercise, your need for Zinc, Magnesium, and vit. B increases significantly. If you do not, I’d recommend decreasing it to 2 capsules a night. Also, if you are taking it for prolonged periods of time, you need to take a week’s break from ZMA every two months or so. This is due to the fact that the body gets accustomed to receiving the vitamins and minerals in easily bioavalable form and may become reluctant to extract them from natural sources (ie., food). Also saves you a couple of bills!

So normal stores don’t carry this? I want to try it but I don’t want to order it. :bored:

You know, I took a B6/Melatonin pill last night with a glass of milk, and I’d say my experience was simliar to what you desribed… I kept waking up because I kept hitting the snooze on my alarm, but I had this weird feeling, and you really described it well, like something was “going on”. I also had one long dream, that I remember (somewhat, I didn’t write it down 'cause I was too sleepy) and a bunch of little ones that I don’t remember, except for one little part from one, a text message I received in the dream.

But yeah, just thought I’d tell you I get what you mean by that feeling.

And now I wanna try this ZMA stuff…