i have a theory and a question and just wondered if some pros could read them and tell me if they are correct
everytime i play basketball in my back garden i always without a doubt am reminded of LD’s and always reminded to perform RC’s and i was wondering if somehow i could use this freaky act of sub concious to try and make myself dream about basketball so i obtain LD
would that work or is there a better way to use this to LD
2)ive kept a dream journal for 3 days now and i have looked at it but the only re occuring thing in it is some sort of transport either bus or car or truck but always a wierd type of transport like self driving cars . being in a truck where my sister who cant drive is driving the truck and from the back seat or a bus which always ends up alternating between double to single deck
what my actual point is can i call this my personal dreamsigns because i dont feel that tansport is really a dream sign rather a part of the scene
To your first question you should just perform reality checks every time you play basketball. That way if you happen to dream about it you will do a RC and automatically become lucid.
As to the weird transports in your dreams. I would absolutly consider that a dreamsign because it is a reocurring oddity in your dreams. The problem is that I’ve found that dreamsigns have to be very specific and consistant in order for me to catalogue them as such. For example, if I were to see a pink cow often in my dreams then I would eventually be able to tell that I was dreaming because it is consistantly pink. However, if the cow were a different color every night then I would probably have a more difficult time pinning it down as a dreamsign. Although, I say to consider the weird transport a dreamsign and see what happens. Good luck!
maybe every time (in RL) You are in a car, boat bus exc. you could try and do a RC, then if you get into the habit of that, you may do one in your dream
do people have like always have the same dream signs or can it be that if you are worried about something like in my situation im worried about goin back to school you will just have dream signs on that subject cause that at the moment is all that i can notice in my dreams
so do people have different dream signs according to their current life and like when im back at school do you think i will just have random dream signs cause now i just notice the transport thing but every time im on some type of transport im always heading for school
I think so.
the summer before I went to highschool for the first time almost every night I would have nightmares about going!
that was a different symbol than if it had been a 40 year old dreaming it. Get what I mean? When you dream you need to look at your own life to interprete it!
For the basketball dreamsign, I suggest to try spending an entire day (if you have the time/motivation to do so) playing basketball and performing reality checks often while doing it. If I engage in a single focused activity for long hours during a day, I usually will dream about that same activity that night. Hopefully, when you then dream about playing basketball, your reality checks will carry over. If you can’t give an entire day to it, then try playing for a few hours immediately before sleep.