I think I had my first lucid dream this morning. Well, a few years back i thought i had one, but i’m still unclear about that. This one lasted only a short time. Not a few seconds, rather around 5 to 8 minutes.
The reason I say it took 5-8 mins is because at this very moment, when i think about the lucid dream, i can only remember certain visual and audible parts of it but i definately ‘know’ that it lasted that long, although i could only recollect a small portion of it.
In that dream i am shouting (not in a hostile way) at some other people, “This is my dream! You’re a dream character! I realised it!” and everything went sort of blurry. the only things that i can remember right now are the colour orange, some bronish/yelloish hues, some old brown medicine bottles. And I am quite sure the people were there. The funny thing is i didnt remember much about anything when i woke up, even when i tried, but then now, 8 hours later, I suddenly remember it for no apparent reason.
Overall, it was a very good moment although my awareness was not 100%. I would say it was around 45% (is there a chart or something that shows the different stages of awareness?). The only way I can describe it is : “I know I am dreaming… This is all a dream, and all you you are dream characters” but at the same time I felt like I was a dream character myself, I had no knowledge of my physical self being somewhere else.
Ok so thats about it, sorry for the long post. Oh and if anyone has any suggestions as to what I could do to improve or prolong awareness, please let me know!
Well that was a cool Lucid Dream!! How did the ppl in your dream react when u told them that they are Your dream characters?
You said that your awareness level was not 100% (more like 45%)…so this means that u had Low Lucicity. Here is a sort of “chart” that shows the different stages of lucidity:
"There are several “gradations” of consciousness in a lucid dream:
You have a nagging feeling that something is not right, but you can’t put your finger on it. When you wake up, you realise:“Of course something wasn’t right, I was dreaming! How couldn’t I see?”
Low lucidity
For a brief period you are conscious of the fact that you are dreaming (“Hey, I’m dreamin, aren’t I?”), but you can’t hold on to that thought. Before you know it you go with the flow of the dream again.
High Lucidity
You are conscious of the fact that everything that happens is a dream and, that there is no real danger, and your body is safely asleep in bed.
Everything is very bright and clear. Colors are more intense, smells smell better, and it seems you can look infinitely far.
High lucidity will give you an enourmous kick.
Absolute lucidity
From the moment you fall asleep you know you are dreaming and you have everything under control. Rather than becoming conscious while dreaming, you go into the dreamstate consciously."
This was writtnen by pasQuale…the webmistress.
One thing that u can to do improve your awareness is to start “spinning” in your dream when u feel that u will soon loose aweresness of your dream.
Hope u found this helpful!
Good Luck ^_~
Hi, i just registered here too. Trying to have my second LD now.
My first LD happened a couple of days after i decided to try to have one. I told myself i was dreaming after looking at my wristwatch twice. But at first i thought i was more probably going crazy after thinking too much about the possibility of lucid dreaming, i was not even sure if the whole concept was real or just fake/fiction! It was more real than i had expected. Anyway i was in the subway station close to my school but the walls were the walls of the station after that one
I got too exited and woke up after 10 secs. After that i got so exited i wouldn’t sleep the next few nights, then i decided i better give it up. At least i found out it was for real. That was 5 and a half yrs ago…
Anyway last morning i dreamt i woke up and looked at the alarm clock but forgot to look again. Damn i can’t believe i missed that one! Guess i got alarmed by how late it was (in my dream) and woke up, for real this time.
hi Pretzel ! Welcome to the ld4all
Good job on getting lucid ^~ Its alright if u miss some"clues" in your dreams that tell u were dreaming. If u keep on practicing …u wont miss them that often.
Well good luck on having some more LDs^^