Ok, well i decided to take a nap, turns out i became lucid because i got soo scared! but this Lucid Dream was long too!
ok well here it goes…
I started out outside It was my town but it was darker then usual:( I was running over by my school and walked inside, there were ALIENS:( i got so scared there were a couple “in”
the wall that i didnt think were aliens and they told me they were, like i would look over at them and i would say to myself “aw that cant be a alien” and it would tell me it is, so I ran out of the room as quickly as possible!!! more Aliens but they were pretty tall and a red color, i just ran past them all trying to find my way out, i got to the end of the room with no exit i jumped out the window (i jumped pretty high, hey its a dream i can do it:P:D) i was just running twards my house, and i look up in the air held my hand out like super man would do it and JUMPED!!! i was just going higher and higher i was flying! i said yey! I was getting scared and needed someone to talk to, i said to myself, i will see my friend cody around here, and wouldnt you know it, he was down at a house calling me to come down, i was still scared, i flew down and he ran up the staircase with his little white dog, and told me to fallow, i said please cody just come down here im a little scared, he said well ok, and we went down into his garage, were we mett up with someone who might be his dad, or just someone older, and he explained to me how to drive a car, after he was done explaining i woke up…
–Thats it!-- yes bad ending but it ending was bad;)–
so that was really my first long lucid dream, a little bit scary but i got over that! i got more lucid after the aliens because when i was just about to fly, i was thinking well i dont know if this is a dream but im going to just run anyways, well just read it:D thanks everyone for the Teqniques you all used ima keep doing this:D it was so fun this time! im going to work on different stuff, like super powers and talking to my Dream guides, well bye!!