This might not be much of an accomplishment for some people, but for me it’s different ;D. Recentley I came to the conclusion that my dream recall is HORRIBLE. I am confident that I have the worst dream recall, I would remember maybe 1-2 dreams a week… 2 if i’m lucky… Acually, I don’t even think i remembered any dreams for a few months now. But it used to be 1-2 weeks… Well anyways, just last night, I remembered 2 dreams when I woke up, then 1 later on that day. I tried to strengthen my Dream Recall by trying to remember every dream I’ve ever had and put it into my Dream Diary. I did that, and I just kept remembering more and more dreams and I put them in. I did that a few days ago, and I would read them all at one point before sleeping every night (2 or 3 nights or so). Today was great results from out of no where, and I just hope that it wasn’t a lucky situation and that it will happen more often and with more dreams ;D. I’m posting this because I’m wondering if anyone else has had bad dream recall, then suddenly started to remember them. And if you kept remembering them after that.
Yeah, before i started to try to remember dreams i never remebered any. When i tried to remember them it started slow like 1-2/week like you, then about once a day and then suddenly i had one day where i remembered 5 dreams from that night. From then i could remember about 1-2 dreams a day, but i stopped for a few months to concentrate on other things so my dream recall started to lag, but now that i have more time again i am getting back to 1-2/day.
P.S. Well done!
Before I joined ld4all, I remembered no dreams at all. To be honest, I had actually forgotten that dreams exist. I did not remember what it was like to dream, as I hadn’t remembered a single dream for years.
When someone used the word ‘dream’ in a conversation, I would automatically link the word to things like personal goals and hopes for the future. The idea that dreams were also something that happened at night, during sleep, never occured to me.
Oh, and at the moment I remember dreams very often, so your dream reacall WILL get better.
YES!! NIGHT NUMBER 2, i remember 3 dreams! 3 right away though, not like last time. I just stayed still when i woke up, and tried to remember them and they all came to me
Results are truley an impressive form of motivation. I’m really motivated now ;D
yay! i just remembered a fourth dream!!! 4!
sorry that last part kind of confused me ;D. At what moment did you remember dreams very often? cause you said that you never remembered dreams, and the idea that dreams happened at night never occured to you. just wondering cause i was a bit confuzzled ;D
OOOH i see. at THE moment you remember dreams! sorry about that
again sorry ;D hahahahah
nice work
im only on day 2 of trying to remember my dreams but its gone well from never remembering any dreams for years to remembering a dream both last night and the night before that
but its still so frustrating to think about the dream and know it happened yet only be able to remember a certain character or setting
If it makes you feel any better, I have lousy dream recall and I still get quite a few LDs every month. Three dreams a night, that’s alot better than what I usually recall. I have 8 LDs on average every month, I think…
Its amazing to me that most people are like odd2k was. How can you not remember any dreams? And its amazing how people dont care. I tend to think of my self as much more spirtual than most people. Its probably not a good thing, but also probably true. Many of my friends, seem to live extreamly boring lives, caring about nothing, just hoping for the future, though i suppose i dont appear as a deep person to most of my friends. I either joke around or am very quiet. If only there was a way for people to communicate better. It seems like such a taboo to talk about anything deep, and even when people do, i feel like they are usually full of shit. I find it very hard to believe the people around me are just as complicated as me.
- Tool is way awesome
- Alf is way awesome
Thats great to hear. It’s good to see something come out of your effort. Good job.
They’re probably not. Society has a way of grouping everyone together and teaching them all to value the same few trivial elements of life.
“Wear this, try to look like this, make as much money as you can, never think outside the box, develop an interest in this, this or this, and whatever you do, don’t pretend you’re an individual.”
Eh, what can you do?
i feel ive been very oblivous to alot of things in life untill lately now i am a bit older and a bit wiser but with places like this site i have learned alot
more importantly on my 3rd day i have remembered 3 dreams also last nite
Atheist: I believe the media plays a big factor in it as well. Many people watch as much TV as im am on the computer
tracer: Without the internet, I might still be a Christian, never expirimented with drugs, and not Lucid dreams at all.
Ive found that writing dreams down are a great way to increase dream recall. Often when I write down one dream i suddenly remember the dream before it, because they are often somewhat related