3 tries for WILD

I’ve been interested in Lucid Dreaming for quite a while, but it’s only been three days since I seriously started going for having one myself. The method I’ve tried using is WILD.

I believe the first night was the closest one to getting a LD. I was getting pretty tired, and had been reading about LDing for about an hour before going to sleep, and especially about the WILD method. In bed, I did the relaxation part, and got the feeling I was close to falling asleep. I then started to count, but because I was so tired, I kept forgetting to count, and started over every fifth second. But after I while, I was really into some sort of state, and got a clear picture in my head of a person I’ve never seen before, and I thought “wow, I think this was supposed to happen, now try and focus on the picture to make it develope into a LD”. But nothing happened. The picture just stayed the way it was when I first saw it, and nothing else happened. Shortly after that, I fell asleep. No LD this time.

Second try, I was not as tired as the day before, and I hadn’t been reading about LDs for the entire day. After doing the relaxation part, I pretty much felt nothing at all. It was just as if I had just gone to bed. I then started to count, but realizing I wasn’t even close, so I just let go and focused on trying to sleep instead. No LD this time.

Third try was pretty much like the night before, except from that I read about LD quite much, before going to sleep. After the relaxation part I felt a bit more relaxed than the night before, but not as much as the first night. I then started to count, and I got to about 200 before I realized this wasn’t going anywhere. I then just tried to think about LDing and maybe the MILD method would work for me. But no LD this time either.

I’m interested in the picture I got the first night, it was a blonde woman posing for a picture with a blue jacket on, looked very artificial. The thing was, the picture came from absolutely nowhere, all of a sudden it just popped up into my view. Is this normal when trying the WILD method?

I’m just interested in what you guys that are more experienced than me can tell me about what really happened that night. I will keep trying every night using the WILD method.


The first night I WILDed is the ONLY night I ever got HI, I tried it every day for 6 weeks after and I got nothing, it’s like the first try is easier. Pictures coming from nowhere is normal, my first one had embossed pictures of a shrek-like creature. The second night I got a tiny bit of HI, since I don’t get anything.

In your first dream, this picture “popping from nowhere” is called an hypnagogic image. Hypnagogic hallucinations are common during WILD. It’s funny that you could maintain this image, it’s generally difficult. You reached the hypnagogic stage and it’s already a good result.

Difficulty with WILD is that you have to find your own method and your own timing, according to your own experience. The main things are :

  • you mustn’t think randomly, when it happens, don’t get upset and just focus again on yor practice,
  • you have to find the middle way between falling asleep and stay conscious. If you focus too much, you won’t fall asleep.

And when they reach the hypnagogic stage, people generally don’t know how to enter a LD and it’s quite impossible to explain how to do. You can say: jump into you HI ; zoom in into your HI ; when you feel floating feelings, roll out of your bed or spin around your axis. It’s easy to say but it doesn’t work all the time and you don’t know why. Anyway, it’s far easier to practice WILD with WBTB.

If you see you have not very good results, don’t forget that there are other LD induction techniques, which are far easier than WILD.

Good luck ! :smile:

Last night was a step, in some direction. I actually got a picture again, but then I started to fantasize what would happen, and I lost the feeling that I had no control, which was bad I suppose. It didnt feel dreamlike at all after I had thought about things happening with the picture. There was an old man with beard, sitting by a red wall on a chair, and he had a red book sitting on his head. After that, I didn’t feel “good to go” again, and just let it slip.

Basilus, what methods would be easier, and why?

Thanks for the tips from both of you.

All the DILD methods (RC, autosuggestion, MILD) are easier than the WILD methods. First, it’s easier to learn; second, people have more DILD’s than WILD’s.

Some people have WILD’s easily cause they experience SOREM (sleep onset REM) sleep. Thus other people think it will be easy too and they get failures. And many people don’t want to WILD with WBTB, which is the easier way, thus they fail too and discourage quickly. Moreover, you have to accustom yourself to the strange WILD sensations, it’s not often easy and sometimes it takes many months. And every WILD’er has his own sensations and his own way of falling asleep. Thus it’s hard to explain to others. Here are some reasons why. :content:

Thanks Basilus West.

I’ve started doing RCs, and hopefully it won’t take too long before I find myself the Kaiser of Dreams.