I have had 5 lucid dreams in one week, but none of them extreamly interesting yet…
Sometimes I don’t even have 1lucid dream a week but I am starting to get there now, I had one last night and three in one night. Each time I’ve said to my self I am going to have a lucid dream not I want to have a lucid dream i make my self know am going to have one.
But the first experience when I had 3 in one day i really knew i was going to have one, Even when i was awake i was closing my eyes and as soon as they shut i was getting really detailed images in my head (really really detailed) scary at first.
I aint sure if the detailed pictures came from being drunk and not having much sleep the night before and night before that. I don’t know but it was ace at first i was getting detailed pictures of the grudge in my head in wasnt even in bed just closed my eyes was scary but i knew it wasnt real, so i went to bed knowing that a lucid dream was coming and it did i had 3 i woke up from one straight into another and then the same again.
Anyone had this before.