I have read a lot about lucid dreaming, lot of books and researches, still, I haven’t found the answer to 4 questions.
I think I had a lucid dream yesterday, but I’m not sure it is really one.
Question 1:
Using the WILD technique, we can go directly to the dreamworld without having to loose consciousness and get it back later once in a dream. what I don’t understand is this: the first stage of sleep is NREM1, while the dream (lucid dream) is supposed to happen in the REM period, which is the last one; so how do we skip all those phases to go directly to REM when initiating a dream from our waking state?
Question 2:
The WILD technique is quite similar to the OBE technique. (vibrations, sleep paralysis, etc…). What if someone tries to have a lucid dream using WILD and gets an OBE instead. Or the opposite. How to distinguich between the two techniques, two paths…?
Question 3:
In a lucid dream, can we remember what we did during the day before we went to bed? what we did during the week? what we’re planing to do the next day after we wake up from the lucid dream? are these things clear in mind during the lucid dream. can you for exemple say during your LD “shit! … I forgot to call J.P… 'should do that as soon as I wake up…” ?
Question 4:
How to be sure that we had a lucid dream and not a dream in which we’re having a lucid dream. I mean what if the whole Lucid Dreams thing was just dreams in which we have the illusion of knowing we’re dreaming, doing reality checks, and doing afterwards what we want to do in the dream? Illusions are a powerful thing and it might be able to create the whole phenomenon. I’m not supporting this theory, I’m just allowing myself to doubt. After all, Isn’t the doubt the door to Lucid dreaming…
Please answer as many questions as you can.