5-HTP is great. Enjoy

In what way? I’m going to take it tonight. What have you experienced with it?

I would try that but I can’t think of a way to ask my parents without them laughing at me lol. Nobody I know gets the point of lucid dreaming.

I have taken it for really spectacular mood enhancement.
I have notice better quality of dreams and sleep. I wake more rested when I take it and remember more dreams. 5-HTP is great for so many things. Books have been written on it.

Because 5-HTP boost serotonin it will sharpen your mind, help you in studying and with your level of attention. 5-HTP also rebuilds the body and mind from stress. Do some research and gear your comments to your parents toward everything else but lucid dreaming.

If I take it close to when I go to bed, to help insomnia, do you think I will still get the help from it throughout the next day?

my recommendation is in the first month you take about 300mg a day spread over the day in 100mg doses that will rejuvenate your brain and body from years of damage. After that you can take a 100mg dose at night before bed. The effects on your body and mind will only increase.

I have 200 mg tablets so maybe I’ll start with just taking it at night before bed, and later on buying 100 mg tablets to take throughout the day.

How expensive is this stuff ?

If i remember correctly, this is the very expensive “improve your memory” pills that health food shops market towards the elderly. It is far too expensive here that i would even consider it to help with dreaming.

The price depends on the brand. It is not sold to improve your memory. You may be thinking of vinpocetine(which is not very expensive and works great) or phosphotydyl serine (which is expensive). I would not buy the most expensive 5-HTP out there but neither the cheapest. Now products are the cheapest and they are completely useless. You may have to play around and find a brand that works well and is price acceptable. You should notice a difference in your mood and sleep quality rather quickly especially on a 300mg a day dose.

Expensive or inexpensive is completely subjective. I would also not that I would not and do not take 5-HTP for lucid dreams. I take it because those who live in Urban society are all most all deficient in serotonin among other brain chemicals and neurotransmitters. My life, thoughts, feelings, energy levels, sleep and immune system reap incredible benefits from regular supplementation of 5-HTP. Dream work is an added bonus.

Ah, i see.

Right, i looked up the prices;
Each tablet provides: L-5-Hydroxy-Trytophan (5HTP) 100mg.
Price; 90 for £9.95, 180 for £18.95 & 270 for £26.95.
You need to take 3 a day for three months, they recommend.
Thats 270 pills.
Plus its off the internet so you have to pay for delivery. But this is a british site.
America may be different.


How much did you pay lizard king?

What brand is that?

I payed around $22.00 for 30 tablets of 200 mg.

I have been taking one 200 mg tab every night before bed, and at first it broke my LD dry spell. Other than that I have noticed MUCH longer and more vivid dreams.

It is pretty powerful stuff when it comes to the dreaming.

Haven’t noticed too much mood change yet.

If you took it during the day I think you would notice mood change quickly

Once when I wake up and once before bed perhaps? 400 mg seems like a lot, but if it’s safe I’ll try it.

mmmmmm. I have taken up to a 1500-2000mg before. When I was young and crazier. 400mg is fine.

from wiki en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5-HTP


sound interesting i may give this ago later on also i think u should only really have 200-400 mg just my opinion

I was not recommending massive doses. Only pointing out I have taken massive doses with no ill effect. have fun.