Last night was a real breakthrough for me: 6 LD 's in 1 night
but there was a catch
I would enter the dreams in a concious state. It was a little before the dream started. There was nothing around me but black. I would ask myself “How did I get here?” and when I couldn’t remember I said to myself “I am dreaming,” and then I would wake up before I could spin around!
I didn’t get any real dreaming done last night so I am tired as, well, I’m not going to say it.
When I just started, I always woke up in my lucid dreams. Don’t try to spin right away, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS KEEPING YOURSELF CALM.
That is, don’t friggin rush yourself to spin, instead let it sink in that you’re dreaming, then slowly rub your hands or spin. I prefer rubbing hands, it’s less risk for me. Anyways you may find that you wake before anything we say can be used- but if you’re just starting out, you might find awakening instantly to be common. Just keep going, 6 lds is great stuff and don’t worry you’ll eventually stop awakening. Newbies do that a lot, but it goes away.
I agree with infection0 staying calm is very important. I also agree that rubbing your hands together is better than spinning at first. Mostly because spinning can often lead to a false awakening until you get more skilled. Also, keep in mind that lucid dreaming is something that is new to you so it takes a little time to get used too. As you have more lucid dreams you will find it easier to stay in the dream.
when you’ll find yourself in the darkness and know it’s a dream, you can easily get yourself in any inviroment possible. Think of a scene from any (preferably one of the recent) dreams or any scene in general. hold it in your mind and you’ll find yourself there…
When you’ll enter the scene from a “void” or blackness, it’s useful to perform few tests to make sure you are in a dream and not connected to your real body.
For me, I move my fingers. If there’s a strange “double” feeling, I know it’s not a full dream state yet. So I wait and fall asleep a bit deeper.
What you shouldnt do in this state is talk try to walk, until connection to real world disappears , as it wakes you up.