7 dreams tonight, 4 of them lucid - a freak night

I’ve been trying to dream lucid since last october, and while i wasn’t completely unsuccesful, the results have been less than stellar (7 LDs, 2 of them very clear and long (about 5-15 mins)).
My dream recall went from one dream every 2-3 days to 2-3 dreams a night, with a personal record of 5 dreams (in january).
I’ve been using RCs for most of the time (i’m doing RCs whenever a: i’m thinking about dreams b: whenever i’m driving a car/riding a bus or train c: whenever i talk to a beautiful woman), my standart RC beeing the nose-RC (sometimes i do the watch-RC, too, sometimes i’m just trying to decide wether this is a dream or not by finding clues in my surrounding). From time to time i’m trying WILD, too, which fails everytime as a WILD-attempt, but seems to work as MILD for me: at least 3 of the 7 LDs i’ve had were preceded by a failed WILD.

This is what happened tonight: I can remember 7 dreams, 4 of them lucid. All 4 lucid dreams have been quite short (the dreams themself were of normal length, but i got lucid at the end of them, so the time i’ve been lucid in that dream was short - 1min at most), but 2 of them very clear , the other two were ‘clear’ two, but i felt very drowsy in them. I became lucid by RCs in all four dreams. I didn’t do much while beeing lucid (in fact i allmost only tried RC after RC, hands/read something again/nose/watch etc, i wanted to try them all in a dream :smile: )

Naturally as i woke up this morning i asked myself: what the hell did i DO YESTERDAY? Nothing unusuall i’d say. Except that i went to a local pub, that brews its own beer, and had some. (i’ve never been there before) I do not think it was due to the beer, but who knows (what they’re putting into it)? 6 of the 7 dreams happened after i woke up in the middle of the night because i needed to go to the toilet, i tried WILD after that (but failed, as usuall, i didnt even make it to the HI)
Otherwise it was a perfectly normal sunday. Could this be something like a breakthrough for me? Or just a freak-night?

That sounds more like an interesting and esciting night rather than a freaky night.

Very cool!

Must have felt great when you woke up :content:

It did in fact feel great, still does :smile:
And i meant ‘freak’ like ‘extraordinary’, ‘unnormal’ and ‘totally unexpected’ ^ ^ .

great just great!!! way to go man! hope it becomes every day thing for you!

wow i’m very happy for you! The funny thing is two days ago, i also had 4 lds in one night, all of them quite short. Hope you get better at this…

Alcohol represses REM sleep. but when that effect is over you get more REM sleep to make up for the REM you lost, as you might already know. So if after half the night wich wasn’t that active you dreamt actively for the rest of the night. Especially since you did some WILD you focused your mind on lucid dreaming. Or maybe there was just somethign in that beer of theirs.

Nice job! You sure are lucky.

I am going to practice and practice and practice LD’ing until I get so good I can have 7 lucid dreams a night, all so realistic i wont know the diff between LD and RL!

its gonna take some time, but i know i can pull through!

I feel really refreshed when I wake up after a lucid dream, and belive me I’m not a morning person. :dream: