I’ve been trying to dream lucid since last october, and while i wasn’t completely unsuccesful, the results have been less than stellar (7 LDs, 2 of them very clear and long (about 5-15 mins)).
My dream recall went from one dream every 2-3 days to 2-3 dreams a night, with a personal record of 5 dreams (in january).
I’ve been using RCs for most of the time (i’m doing RCs whenever a: i’m thinking about dreams b: whenever i’m driving a car/riding a bus or train c: whenever i talk to a beautiful woman), my standart RC beeing the nose-RC (sometimes i do the watch-RC, too, sometimes i’m just trying to decide wether this is a dream or not by finding clues in my surrounding). From time to time i’m trying WILD, too, which fails everytime as a WILD-attempt, but seems to work as MILD for me: at least 3 of the 7 LDs i’ve had were preceded by a failed WILD.
This is what happened tonight: I can remember 7 dreams, 4 of them lucid. All 4 lucid dreams have been quite short (the dreams themself were of normal length, but i got lucid at the end of them, so the time i’ve been lucid in that dream was short - 1min at most), but 2 of them very clear , the other two were ‘clear’ two, but i felt very drowsy in them. I became lucid by RCs in all four dreams. I didn’t do much while beeing lucid (in fact i allmost only tried RC after RC, hands/read something again/nose/watch etc, i wanted to try them all in a dream )
Naturally as i woke up this morning i asked myself: what the hell did i DO YESTERDAY? Nothing unusuall i’d say. Except that i went to a local pub, that brews its own beer, and had some. (i’ve never been there before) I do not think it was due to the beer, but who knows (what they’re putting into it)? 6 of the 7 dreams happened after i woke up in the middle of the night because i needed to go to the toilet, i tried WILD after that (but failed, as usuall, i didnt even make it to the HI)
Otherwise it was a perfectly normal sunday. Could this be something like a breakthrough for me? Or just a freak-night?