90% guaranteed lucidity !

Yes, there is.Mantras/autosuggestions.Do you know what that is?

You mean telling your brain you ARE GOING TO wake up?

Because I’ve tried doing that so much… never works.

Explain how you did it.
It always works for me.

Actually I lied. I’ve only tried it once, yesterday that was.

While in bed, I told myself:

“Wake up at XX… Wake up at XX…” a couple of times.

Nice technique. I’m going to start trying this method. I thank Presence of Light for sharing this, since I think this is just what I need to get going.

I find myself often waking up in the middle of the night several times, feeling very tired and exhausted. I usually get the roll-over signal instantly and just roll-over and fall asleep again.

I just have to get it into my head to not roll-over, I guess.

Thanks. I’ll let you know if this worked.

Well, you have to repeat it until you fall asleep.Always works for me :smile:
You know, not just repeat it couple of times and forget about it.

For some people, saying mantras just a few times works perfectly. And they can get better result then other people saying it until they fall asleep. I think you have to say it clearly and believe in yourself like “I’m going to do a reality check tonight” and it will work better then just repeating something until you fall asleep.

It was so amazing people, the first time chaining is always a date to remember ^^

SPOILER - Click to view

I was on a very high room of a NY scyscraper, and I was feeling a terrible fear of heights, I had to keep my right eye closed to contain it. I woke up, and wondered what it could mean, but I was stil hearing the cell phone tune that was on the dream table, and I made it louder and more centered in my head. It was a gentle song with a beautiful woman’s voice, and I let it acompany me while I was falling, sliding forward.After a while, I tried feeling odours, and I felt the air on my nose. I saw a ghost face, then another me was making a square with his hands, letting me see only what was inside, a patch of brighter colour. Remembering Writerscube’s advice to treat stuff physically, I grabbed it and moved it on the left, revealing his face, smiling at me. I decided go get out and looked for an exit, felt a plate cover above me, lifted it, and found myself in a bedroom by night, on a metal bed, with other 2 people in the room, sleeping. I got up, observed the room, and stumbled while getting the second foot out of the bed, closed my eyes while falling and jolted awake.

It was also my first high-lucid in a long time, so yay :yay:

The second part is the key :wink:
He probably just said it with no emotion…
Yeah, you really have to mean it and believe.

Yeah, I agree. I say the suggestion in my mind 3 or 5 times and forget it. It seems the better I forget the better the results are :wink:

I’m getting good at this. I had 2 or 3 LD’s and lots of ND’s this morning from falling back to sleep many times :smile: In one LD i was driving a car, and when i woke up lying on my back and i had my hands on my chest like i was driving a car :open_mouth: I often wake up after dreams with feelings that i have my hands somewhere, but when i move them i find out it was just from the dream. But this time they were on my chest.

So i either fell to sleep like that, which gave me a dream about driving a car. Or my hands moved during the dream. The dream was around 30sec and i became lucid 10sec before it ended, i was driving the car the entire dream.

when we wake up in the middle of the night, are we supposed to disrupt our REM state?

i’ve been trying this for a week now but I can’t get into SP anymore. I think i’m not going into REM.

last night i did what seems to be very useful

i went to sleep the way i talk about a lot, where i get HH and deep sleep, no dreaming, just rolling over once or twice, each time i am awake i know that when i roll over it is not going to cause dreaming yet,

then , i decided, now i need a wbtb, i’ve been in deep sleep for a while, and surely dreaming will come soon

so i got up to use the restroom and let my mind become alert ,

then i had a very deep deeep dreaming experience, some very odd things happened

I think I got my fourth sleep paralysis last night. Compared to a few months ago that’s incredible improvement. Although… it started when it felt like I was standing up. So I might have dreampt I was going throug sleep paralysis, but can’t recall anything except the intense vibrating feeling.

I still blunder the next steps though. I get sleep paralysis, but I just can’t seem to see any HI. Should I just try to focus on moving my dream body? The third time I moved it… but I thought I moved my real body. (it wasn’t occuring to me that should be imopssible, and I was in an impossible position no less) So I think if i try and move my dream body I’d enter the dream… right? Right?! [b]Right?!?[/b]

Sorry, but I’m kind of confused on the last step. I can easily get into SP, but what do I do then once I’m in this state??

Great technique, although the “90% success” moniker is decieving. Still though, chaining is a great method. It’s also a great technique for people who have trouble with dream recall. Before you move your body, when you wake up, review what you dreamt about as much as you can. Awesome way to turn a small scene into an epic, if you have trouble with that sort of thing.

I’ve only read in here about getting SP, which I can do pretty easily. But what do I do once I’m in SP?? :help:

hm, i woke up out of my second LD frozen in SP still on the side i woke up on, and i even remembered this thread and all but i think i was too excited about the LD to calm my mind again to re-enter, plus i had to go to the washroom.