Ive been working on this card trick where you think of any card, and the card you think of will be tattoed on my back, and it is a real tatoo. I want to tell you how I do it, because I do need some ideas to help make the trick work. If you want to help P.M. me, and Ill let you know the secreat, I guess its not that importent, but in ordor to do this trick it takes some work. Ill let you know more, if anyone would want to help me with it. Or if I should just tell everyone how to do it is O.K. too I dont know.
Wait instead of thinking of the card Ill make it harder you roll two dice to determaine what card you will pick, and then you choose any suit you want, the card chosen will be tatooed on my back. I might get it to cover my whole back, I dont know how much that would cost, but the trick would be worth it if it blows someones mind.