A couple of lucid dreams questions...

Hi, I recently discovered this site and message board and became very interested in lucid dreaming. Anyways, there are a couple of things I’ve noticed that aren’t really clear, so here goes… (ps, I don’t mean these questions to offend anyone or challenge the idea of LD’s, I’m just curious)

  1. How long do people’s ld’s usually last for? All I seem to be reading about is 2-3 minute ones where you realise you’re dreaming and then something happens (like you start flying, or see a hot chick) and then before you have a chance to experience it properly, you wake up. Is this how short most ld’s are? Or is it just that once people start acheiving the longer dreams they don’t bother to post them in the forums because they are experienced and don’t require much help anymore?

  2. A bit of a paradoxical question, but if you have a lucid dream and forget it, how could you have been aware that you were dreaming in the dream in the first place? cue mystery music

I really really like the idea of LD’s though and am already performing reality checks and keeping a dream journal for the past couple of days - LD’s just sound too good to be true!!! :content:

First of all the length of your lucid dream will depend on how well you stabilize the dream. When most people have their first lucid dreams or participate in activities that gets them excited, such as sex and flying, they find themselves losing control and eventually waking up.

The key is to stay calm and take things slowly. If you do this your lucid dreams can go on for a really long time. Like I’ve read a guy who had a lucid dream for an hour of waking life time (like 10am to 11am) but in the lucid dream it lasted for a year!

If you find you are losing control of your dream simply spin around. Also when you first become lucid try to observe your enviroment and feel everything with all the senses to increase the clarity and vividness of the dream. If you do this and stay calm you will have a good chance at a long cool LD. :cool:

To answer your second question, just because you do not remember something happening doesn’t necessarilly mean it couldn’t have happened. But of course you have no way of knowing that it did happen if you don’t remember it.

Good luck and all the best. :wink:


how long do LD’s last?

xs4all.nl/~pasquale/TTM/r1/i … php?t=2351

Umm, year in a lucid dream? Wow, talking about the rate of nerveimpulses. :content: I’ve heard that normal dreams can seem to last long because the time warps in them, like in a movie, but in a lucid dream you are aware of the happenings and I very much doubt that someone spent a year in “dream time” in lucid dream, that would make you wacko, because if you really would spend a year in a lucid dream, after that wou wouldn’t know whats real and whats not, and waking up from a dream that “lasted a year” would be a very big shock.

I think the guy was either bsing, or, he had a normal dream where he was thinking he was lding, a fake ld wherein the time warped.

I was mistaken on one point. The dream I reffered to lasted for a few hours in waking life time, or so the guy writes, but he definetly said it lasted for a year in dreaming time.

Whether he’s lying or not I dont know. :neutral:

Here’s the link to where he posted this ‘year long’ dream: :wink:

slagt.net/ld4all/viewtopic.p … t=ultimate


cool, thanks guys. I tried using MILD last night, and twice I got the feeling that I was leaving my body (my physical head felt like it sunk below my pillow but my mental head stayed the same position, this happened quite quickly) and both times I quickly snapped out of it :grrr: heheh ah well, it was still pretty cool in itself. On the upside, I’ve been remembering much more of my dreams, and was even able to remember 3 from last night! :smile: So hopefully I’ll be able to start my own LD diary in the forums sometime soon!

on the reply to your second question. You know you dreamt because you remember doing it,you just can’t remember what you did.

perhaphs that man just over exagerated…

The difference between dream time and real time can be quite extreme. U may only be alseep for a couple of minutes but have had a dream that lasted an hour.

If u have seen waking life there is a part in it which talks about this occurrence. Talking about the 12 min of brain activity after u die. This 12 min of dreamtime could be a whole life. Meaning that this person who had a year of LD in only a coupe of hours is very possible.

A week a go I had a lucid dream which was approx 1 hour in reality and a few hours in dream time. I am still a novice at LD’s so therefore it is possible to increase dream time with practice. Also I was wondering How can u tell exactly how long it has been? How did he know it was a year since u don’t have any concept of time and whenever u look at a clock it is either blurry or changes to often??