ok, i have had an idea for a while now, but i havent actally achevied it as of yet.
I have thought about reaching lucidity on a every night basis. And here it is
I go lucid and summon up a guide or what not. I turn to them and i ask weather i am ready for a ld everynight. If my guide says no i will ask them for a quest, they give me the quest and that is what i do in every ld i have untill i compleate it. Once compleated i will ask if i am ready again. If not i will ask for a gift somthing small to help me along. Once they tell me i am ready i will recive a golden light of lucidity. “Fly up to it Richard”.
This golden light ( dont know why golden it just is ) will click my brain every time i go into a rem and i can choose to keep lucidity or drop it for that rem period.
The first night i tryed this i went lucid and spun, teleported my self to where my guide was. I was standing in a green feild and he pointed to a golded light about 20 feet of the ground. This clearing was sourded by trees. I thought “already” and than woke up.
I labbled this “The Quest for Lucidity” Thanks PsQ
But scince than i havent ld again, this has really bugged me but i think it will work. I have to try it again and i hope tonight i will acheive it. What ya reckon, if ya want give it a go.
Cheers Richard
I will keep posted with my progress and i will put a big fat post up when i do it lol
I’m sorry, but I’m not quite sure what you’re describing. From the start of the post, it sounds like what you’re imagining might happen, but then it’s in the past tense. I’m confused. Please clarify.
[edit - ok, I figured out what you mean after re-reading it. Uhhmmm, yeah. Sounds like a good idea]
omg! (becky, look at her butt!" ok that sounds like a great idea i dont know why its been so unpopular! I WILL DEFINATLY DO THIS IN MY NEXT LD IF I REMEMBER!!! Its got everything a good dream needs: A goal, a spirt guide, unlimited lucidity, and sex! Well not for sure, but hey just imagine some of those quests… anyways yeah im deffinatly going to try this!!!
ill definetly give it a shot sounds as fun as useful!
i believe it must be easier to tell your subconsious to tell you that you are dreaming in a dream then in waking state…good idea!
Yep it is and on that note, last night i went lucid, not froma rt or mild oe wild nothin. i was in my dream and a voice from inside me said"Richard your dreaming you can do what you want" it was my voice but as a thought. So i replyed out louad Yes i know but i dont want to get to exicted i would losre lucidity" My subconious told me i was dreaming. Interesting, i was standing infront of a mirror and it told me when i saw my reflection…
hmm better update my sig
but unfortantly i didnt get to do this lol, one of my friends in my dream said to me as i walked into another room “you have forgotten richard”