A device or method to induce sensation of falling

I have been seeking a device or gauranteed method to create the illusion with my eyes closed that I am falling or have the sensation of falling. I believe this can help me to have an obe.

Does anyone know of any gadget, device, or method that can create this sensation with my eyes closed? Anybody?

I am open to any suggestion no matter how silly or brilliant. Thanks lots. :smile:


Maybe a freefall tower…

You can get that falling feeling very easily on your own… it’s a bit hard to explain but for me…

I have a large fan on right next to my head while I sleep… and I listen to the fan and take medium sized breaths, and try and soley focus on the fan… then I take the first thought I have… like “R - wo” (it’ll be a repeating thought, in time with the fan, as my mind does NOT want to be silent, sadly… so it creates weird thoughts to fill up any gaps it has) and I repeat that over and over again…

then I either: change it every time a new thought enters my head … like r-wo, r-wo, devo, devo… whatever… so it kind of creates a flowing rhyming association of some kind… (it has to be natural though, if you just let go it’ll come to you)

or I stick with that one thought over and over again.

It takes me pretty deep pretty quickly, but you have to be fairly focused.

I’ve found it usually doesn’t work if you’ve woken up at 5.am and your body is being really impatient and mean to you and won’t let you get back to sleep… becuase you are too unfocused.

It defiinitely has to be a sort of “controlled” and “distant” focus.

This seems to work for a lot of people, it should for you, I think the falling asleep process is triggered by a constant and progressive stream of unconscious thought, and this most definitely promotes that, but ultimately you just need to lie in bed (during the day, night, whatever) and experiment with yourself, see what causes that state for you… and get in tune with that.

It took me forever to get this down to the point where I can at least put myself into hypnagogia for half a second within 15 minutes… and still… there is NO WAY i’ll be ASLEEP and dreaming in 15 minutes, but I can push myself to the borderline threshhold really fastly.

If I could just stay inside without jolting awake, I’d be all set.

I think I’m going faster than my body wants me to… but I’m sure I can convince it otherwise.

Give that a try though, it’s a lot more effective than a tape or a drug, as you learn what makes your mind work.

Visualizing being on a roller coaster works very well if you are close to being in the hypnagogic state but are actually focused and alert.

It’s fun too.

I can do this easily.

First just get yourself into a relaxed state. (Judging by your other posts you already know how to do that.)

Then you just imagine in your mind that you are falling backwards. Start slowly and then go faster you could also help your self more by counting backwards (though this is not necessary. I don’t count). The important thing is that you have to keep your concentration on the sensation of falling. If you think about anything else you loose the falling sensation and will have to start all over again.

To be honest I don’t even have to be all that relaxed to get the falling feeling. In fact the falling sensation causes a feeling of relaxation. I can just close my eyes and get comfortable and just imagine I am falling backwards. So try that first. (Don’t make it more work than it has to be) If that does not work then put yourself into a state of relaxation first and then just imagine your self falling backwards.

It is interesting that you make this post. Dm7 just posted a technique about imagining yourself spinning around like a top to induce a WILD. I’m going to try that tonight and post my results with it in the big WILD topic tomorrow. I figure if I can create a falling feeling, spinning should not be much harder.

Good Luck and Happy Dreaming
(or in your case happy OBE)

ride an elevator or rollercoaster and remember the sensation, then pretend you’re there again

there was a post where someone had a whole installation with monitor, mirrors, curtains etc. try looking through the posts you might find it

Try a bwgen preset such as Deep Mind IV. That seems very good for this.

alcohol makes you feel like you’re falling / spinning… feels like some force is being exerted on you anyway…

Not really a gaget, but a substance I know of… good ol’ Ganja. *(marijuana is irrationally illegal in many irrational countries, and smoking hurts the lungs)
I once went to bed after smoking a little, and I got that falling feeling, but it was so much more intense than usual. I usually get it normally when going to sleep, but this time it was going on for ages while I got to sleep. But then again, time slows to a halt when your high.

Also, yeah, alcohol does intensify it too, but I find that the same feeling from alcohol nauseates me while I try to get to sleep.
My friend said it best when she was drunk:
“I feel like I’m on a boat!”

God bless Canada…

they should accept Americans as refugees… :sad:

it’s still illegal up there but well… being FINED for posessing a PLANT sounds better than spending years in jail for it, doesn’t it?

I wish Canada would liberate us…

and I wish 18 liquor was legal, though I probably look 21.

I can’t attest for the good old MJ but alcohol does produce that feeling… but it’s not a spiritual feeling at all… it’s a dirty, reckless feeling… something that I desperately want to meditate out of, but know I can’t and it doesn’t feel right.

I think marijuana would be much better for it.

You put that quite well, that the feeling of falling from alcohol is a much dirtier feeling. Alcohol also dumbs the mind, whereas, at least I think, that Ganja opens doors in your mind, allowing ideas to flow out. A majority of my Lds have occured after having some pot.

I also tried that technique where you try to induce it by relaxing and trying to bring about that feeling. It kinda worked, but it was not very intense.