A "different" life in your dream?

Have you ever had a dream where you were yourself or someone else but had a entirely different life, but in your dream you had false memories of this fake life? And it all made sense and you woke up to think “wtf?”? Heres my example (my dream from last night):

So i was walking with this girl i use to like and we were in some kind of palace thing, so we started talking and the next thing i remember is she looked straight at me and said - “Remember where your from…”, she than rose in the air and smashed the ground with her fist, i looked down at my hands, and had these flashbacks of me being in a village of people with super powers… I then remembered that i can fly and started to - extra - while i was flying i thought about whether it was a ld or not so i reality checked and i could breath with my fingers in my nose, but i remembered that anytime i have a LD and acknowledge it, i wake up so i refused to believe i was dreaming :sad:, i doubt any of you have felt this but im just wondering

One of my favorite dreams of all time, was that I was a kind of genie, with the turban and everything. I was the imaginary friend of some toddler, but somehow at the same time I had come from a world beyond the red brick wall in her yard and she didn’t imagine that. Her parents were going to take her away when they moved, and I was bound to a short distance from the red brick wall and wouldn’t be able to come with her.

The false memories were the rules of the otherworld. What I had to do, I knew, was approach a crone in the blackmarket, and play something that was like poker with tarot cards. She would read the future in the cards that the players dealt, but the real reward was a fairy egg in a soda bottle that would allow me to follow the little girl to her new home. I remembered my personal history with one or two of the other competitors, all who had good reasons to badly want that egg, and I remembered the remorse at winning because I knew those other players so well (had fake memories of our common histories.) I finished the game too late, though, so when I went back through the red brick wall, the whole family was gone and I didn’t know where.

So I went back to my own world, and had another false memory, that there was a place where guardians like me were meant to heal up after such a great loss.

As I said, that’s my favorite, but the actual getting memories that I don’t have… happens really really often for me. It might be what prevents me from becoming lucid, but more optimistically I like to think that if ever I become lucid, I can prolong it by pulling up false dream memories that can go on for decades. So I’d feel and think that I spend years in the dreamworld for the few hours I was asleep IRL. That would be neat.

Thx for the reply i thought i was the only one :smile:, but i ussually always remember my dreams but this was the first time that i had false memories