A dream, but different...

Hello you,
A few years ago, when I was 6 to about 10 years old, I had bad hearing, so I needed to be operated for that. I was put under complete aneastatics(dunno how to say this properly). It means I was put to sleep a matter of speaking… Some of the times I saw I was in a hallway running, and it just spinnend round… It was like I was running in circles. It was very bold and cold. I lokked behind me some of the times and there I saw a very big eagle flying behind me. His wings were spread beautifully and it looked peaceful and frigtning at the same time. Then suddenly I would approach a light… A very bright light. And when I came there I woke up from my aneastatic. I was in the recovery room.
Well, when I was about 14 my toncils were removed. I was put to sleep again, just like they used to do in the past. Then I dreamt I had dreamt the past months and that my tonsils were just fine… So, when I woke up in the recovery room I was so disorientated… I thought everything was a dream and I didn’t understand why I was spitting blood all of a sudden…
Do you know if more people have had these experiences?

hi ellnv… yes, i have been put under anesthetic a few times for similar things and i have had very weird dreams as a result of this. many many nightmares have revolved around cutting, chopping and otherwise violently damaging my throat and have involved spitting up blood and other stuff. i’ve only recently related this to those surgeries; maybe some part of the brain is aware of what is going on during the surgery and can store memories of it. scary. i’ve also had problems since then upon waking thinking that i might be in some type of coma or that i never awoke from the anesthetic in the first place. and many many dreams within dreams of the same sort, having multiple false awakenings…

who knows?

I know the feeling… It’s so strange… I sometimes have that feeling when i am about to sleep. a feeling of numbness, like you don’t have controll of your body anymore and it is like you are suddenly very heavy. ii have difficulties to move then… very strange… But it seems like I am not asleep then… I have no idea… But I have heared from people that were operated that they recall certain things. Some of those people where under full anesthetic but they heared the doctors talk to each other and all, while he was supposed to sleep… but he couldn’t talk and move… That must be very scary… I’ve had it too in one of the 7 times, but I thought I was dreaming…
well, it’s an interesting thing I think…

i don’t know if ‘interesting’ is the word i would use. maybe ‘psychologically dangerous’. then again, some have said what does not kill us only makes us stronger. hmm. doctors have had to stop using many anesthetics in surgeries due to the frightening hallucinations and nightmares they caused.

Hi ellnv !
When I was about 12, they had to remove my tonsils too. Under anesthesics, I had a dream which looked like the first you mention : I was falling in circles in a spinning and neverending spiral. Just that and a strong feeling of anxiousness. I haven’t had the impression it was lasting a long time, but when I woke up, the surgical operation was already over.
I think they were using penthotal : though I was very polite at this age, when I woke up, I told them a lot of not very kind things… :grin: