Hello everybody!
Tonight, I had a fearsome lucid dream (the first time that a LD is frightening for me).
As with all my other ld’s, I realized I was lucid while I was in a dream-bed. I raised from the bed, and I started walking to the door of my room. Everything was barely lit, so I couldn’t really tell if that was my room, but I assume it was. So I went to the door, and, as I was about to open it, a voice like that of a GPS told me “I wouldn’t go that way if I was in you”. I got really scared because the voice sounded really creepy, and the “dream” never talked to me (assuming that the “out of field” voice was the dream…). So I decided to wake up.
Now, did the dream (or the figures in it) ever did something like that to you? what can I do to just face this strange thing if it happens again?
Does the dream sometime talks to you like that, just a generic unidentified voice?
Lucid dreams may be scary at first. They can even evolve to something we call lucid nightmares. Still, if you have a sufficient lucidity level and enough dream control, you can always change the dream to a more pleasant one and convince yourself, that this is just a dream, and you can’t be harmed. Simply enjoy it. Enjoy the evil characters, enjoy the good characters… It’s a just like watching a movie, you’re invulnerable.
This is actually what can make lucid dreaming fun. You don’t really control your dream. You direct your focus within the dream, but your subconscious may still do things you don’t expect.
Next time your dream calls to you, either challenge it (by stepping through anyway) or talk back TO the dream, by asking what you should do instead. I’ve found that if I ask the dream about something, I’ll get SOME kind of answer.
And just keep in mind that nothing can hurt you in your dream. It may be “scary” but it can’t harm you in any way. Go explore, go adventure. That’s what lucid dreaming is there for.
Those kinds of things actually encourage me. I suppose I fancy myself to be some kind of hero in my dreams, so when I hear a DC or voice telling me not to go somewhere, I usually investigate to see what it is hiding. It’s actually lead to some of my funnest LD’s
Yea, sometimes my dream talks to me. I’m pretty sure its my subconsciousness. And it doesn’t really influence my decisions, If you’re lucid enough and you know that nothing can hurt you, you can go do whatever you want