A feeling of being punched in the head before I wake

I’m not sure if this is related to dreaming or sleep but sometimes when I’m close to waking I can have a sensation out of the blue like I’ve been punched in the head which causes me to suddenly wake up.

Is this something related to sleep ?

Do you feel pain when you get hit in the head?

Sometimes, when I’m half awake-half asleep I imagine random images of me getting hit, jolts of electricity, flashes of light or other spontaneous images that suddenly wakes me up.

I don’t know if this is what you’re talking about, but…

It could be a hypnic jerk


(I’m a hypnic jerk :tongue:)

Nope no pain just the sudden feeling that someone slamed his fist into the side of my head. I wake up suddenly none the wiser to what just happened.

Hey… the jolts of elecricity, flashes, whatever remind me of something that kept happening a while ago. I was up late enough that I started to unwillingly fall asleep when I heard a clash of swords and got a brief image of crossed blades in my mind. I woke up and didn’t fall asleep for a long time. It was when I wasn’t studying dreams so I wasn’t interested in finding out what it was. I just ignored it.

Kuro-tsuno, that sounds interesting… it must be pretty annoying though.