A few questions please, and thank you.

So I’ve been learning Lucid Dreaming for some time, and gave up. and only just recently got back into it, after trying this afternoon. and got the following.

Feeling pressure on third eye
Slight pain on heart area during (the rope technique)
Slight vibrations on legs.

I could also feel lightness, but knew what was happening,
then it stopped.

Questions I have are, is the heart pain normal? when doing the rope tutorial?

And also what does the pressure on third eye mean?

What is the rope tutorial?

the rope technique google it :smile:

Well I’m guessing it wasn’t the tree climbing one haha

*GnarGnar reads it

Ohhhh I like this :razz:. This is what I do to WILD all the time, except they do make it a little more complex then it actually is. As far as the pressure/pain, I don’t know about that stuff but I’ve never had it. As far as having a successful AP, sounds like you need to be in a deeper trance state, then you will get some strong vibrations :happy:

Usually when your in that deep of a state, your mind (or whatever you believe control’s the situation at that time) is very powerful and if you think something will happen, it most likely will so If you go into that situation expecting a pain/pressure you will most likely experience it.

Thanks for your reply Gnar =]. I’ve told myself am gonna keep at it for a whole month and see if I can progress… What about the Third Eye pressure any idea what that could be?

Ps: is the Tree Climbing one better?

The rope technique is considered an effective technique for OBE’s, as in, you grab a rope and pull yourself out of your body.

Pressure on the third eye sounds like an over-stimulation of the gland. In fact the ‘third eye’ is a tiny part located near your forehead which is responsible with your awareness. I would beleive that is pretty much normal, since your neuorns fire up the PFC (Pre-Frontal Cortex) while it shouldn’t be doing it. Try focusing on your third eye before going to sleep (looking up to your upper nose part - but not too up, cause your eyes may start hurting).

As far as the heart pain goes - there are many ‘custom’ side effects for everyone. As long as the pain is part of the dream only, it’s fine, but if it’s physically then it’s most definitely not right. You get that pain IRL in very tensioned situations too, or just while trying an OBE ?

This process should be really pleasureful and pain-free. You should feel comfortable in your world, without any other disruptions. However, you have to get accustomed to it first, and if you know precisely that the unpleasant stuff happens as part of the dream, then there’s nothing to worry about.

Cheers :wink:

Thanks for the feedback, as for the heart pain well it only happened when I was concentrating on the rope technique doing the hand over hand movement. After that it stopped. I haven’t successfully done a Lucid Dream as of yet. But hopefully I’ll get to it eventually.

I’ve been reading/studying from the book Astral Dynamics which is a book written by Robert Bruce.

I’ll do what you said concentrate on the third eye a lot more. :smile:.