This is my first post here besides my introduction.
I asked some of these questions on Dream Views and for 4 days my post was ignored while others were answered time and time again.
So I’m hoping I can find more helpful people here.
Ok, even though I have dabbled in this a little bit about a year ago I never was able to truly get good at it due to busy circumstances. Now that I’m trying it again I’m determined to get good at it and I’ve begun by trying to develop my dream recall which so far is doing alright I think.
Under a week ago I could not remember hardly a fragment of a dream per week. Now every night before I go to bed I leave a command in my mind “I WILL remember my dreams vividly and clearly and I will wake up after each one and write it down.”
I think it has worked very well, I wake up a couple times and normally can remember at least large parts of 1 or 2 dreams each time. So in total some nights I remember large parts of 3 - 4 dreams.
I have yet to remember a total dream from beginning to end though, but not bad for a couple nights work.
Of course I write these dream fragments down in a dream journal.
A couple nights ago I decided to try to induce a LD by using a WBTB method mixed with a kind of WILD I guess it would be.
I found the tecnique online and it involved waking up after you’ve had about 5-6 hours sleep and getting up for a few minutes to read an LD forum, write down dreams etc etc and then go back to bed within 10 minutes and as you are going back to sleep you’re supposed to visualize the dream you want and “make it more real” and just keep thinking about that and telling yourself that you are going to realize you are dreaming and all that.
After about 40 my dad woke up for work and was making some noise that was very distracting and so I figured just quit for the night and try again tomorrow so I RCed and then went back to bed.
Well, somewhere along the line, I don’t really think I was conciously trying but I started counting my breaths as I was going to sleep and after not too long I started to feel my body feel like it was vibrating for a few moments, but nothing happened.
That inspired my to keep trying so I just waiting and after not too long it happened again, but this time I saw a bright light, like someone was holding a flashlight to my face. But I could only see it from my left side.
Still, nothing happened.
The next day I remembered dreams though, one of which was me telling my mother about my dreams and about trying to become lucid. Which after reading the information on this board I see thats a good sign.
Now, several things happened that night that I’d like to know if they messed with my attempt.
The position I was laying in after a while made it so that I had to swallow often.
I have ADD and so my mind wanders and its hard to stay “on topic”
My father making noise.
Now on the same note, I tried this again the next day in the morning or early afternoon and after 15 minutes or so started to feel the vibrations again and possibly some noises that I know weren’t really there. I there a trick to doing it in the morning/afternoon that is different? Or is it the same?
Anyway, sorry for the long post. I’m sure I will have more questions soon lol.