A few questions

moved to stuff since the DJ forum is for actual DJs :wink:

Well, I was browsing this site for a few days now, and I have noticed that at night, when I usually go to sleep, I wake up exactly after every dream.
Which means that every night I wake up about 3-5 times, which I find unusual.
For some reason it doesn’t bother me (I feel “refreshed” when i finally wake up)
I guess its somewhat because i wake up almost exactly after a REM phase ends
(which I think I have several of).

Now what I would like to know is:
What is happening.
Why is it happening.
Why did it start happening.
And finally, when will it stop/how do i stop it.

Thank’s in advanced to whoever decides to help.

I posted these questions here because I thought it starting happening is somehow related to my new dream journal.

A layperson’s answers…

Everyone arouses slightly between each REM phase, but most don’t become aware of it and just instantly go back to sleep again.

It likely started happening because you developed a bigger interest in dreaming.

There is really no reason to stop it and this waking between dreams is likely to improve your dream recall since you will be able to quickly go over each dream each time you momentary awaken.