A Few Questions!

Hey everyone! :woo:
From time to time, I attempt to lucid dream. The best I have had in three years is a two second one but that does not get me down! I enjoy the experience anyway , I just have a few questions. (Sorry if they are all over the place!)
1: When I attempt WILD and I stare at my eyelids, this often strains my eyes and I feel lightheaded, is this normal or am I doing it wrong?
2: My normal situation is when I have an active mind, I usually never fall asleep i.e, mantras and chants cannot work with me. What is the best technique that does not involve mantras.
3: Finally does keeping a dream journal serve any other purpose than dream recall?
Thanks everyone! :happy:

1a.First of all WILD is nothing more then a technique of falling asleep. Keep that in mind.

1b.So all you need to do is lay back and fall asleep BUT the key is to enjoy the ride. You need to be aware of falling asleep and when you came to the point of falling asleep you will fall asleep eventually and next second you will find yourself in a dream, lucid.

  1. Always do WILD with WBTB. Use SDR(stop drop and roll) technique and you can always meditate. It will teach you how to quite and ease your mind and that will help you with falling asleep.

  2. Well, any other purpose? What do you have from a lucid dream if you don’t remember having it? Trust me, it will happen. You will have a LD and you will not remember it. It happens from time to time but if you have bad DR it will happen a lot more. If keeping DJ doesn’t help you to remember dreams then don’t keep it.

  • other purposes: dream signs