A frightening lucid dream...

I’ve always just kind of been able to think in some of my dreams… I have read many things about lucid dreaming, many web sites, journals, studies…lots of words. I’ve read that some LD’s are not as strong as others and all that. The usuall ones i have seem kind of weak…as in, i have a hint of conciousness, like i can tell the characters of dream what to do…but i cant change the setting, and i cant control everything.

Last night, i fell asleep, not expecting to LD at all…i woke up around 5 am for some reason, and stayed up for a while. (I had gotten about 5 hours of sleep)…about 30 minutes later i went back to bed, I didnt even think about an LD (though I know that a technique exists that’s based on wake induced LD’s).

Anyway, I went to sleep and had a phenominal LD. I fell immeadiately asleep, only i had no idea i was asleep… I looked up at my shelf ( i was in my room in teh LD) and suddenly realised i was asleep…there were extra objects on my shelf. It was very subtle. So, I decided to make them float…to see if i was really LD’ing… They did, and it really scared me… I then felt as if my body was moving and turning… like ti was being pushed. I heard a strange vibration, and felt it hit my whole body… It was like the wings of a hummingbird had made their way into my mind. I got scared and woke up.

It was the strangest experience i’ve ever had. I also experience paralysis, which i rarely do… Has anyone had a similiar experience?

well thats good that you had a lucid dream
you can pick up things and do other stuff
i find it hard to do them
even if i had a strange dream i cant do tings in it
the ddream goes on i find it hard to control
i dont know if you are new to LD
it’ll require more practice.

Vibrations and scary feelings sound like WILD to me… maybe that’s what happened?

It’s curious that you had such a reaction. In my case, it’s just the opposite. I had a false awakening like yours, I “woke up” in my bed and realize something was wrong with the shelfs (one was broken). I began to feel afraid :scared: but when I realized it was a dream, I was so relieved! :whew:

Perhaps you were in a sort of state between a LD and SP? Or in some cases too (it happened to me sometimes yet very rarely) you can have a DILD but something changes in your sleep state and you feel WILD sensations.

Yeah, i’m not too sure what happened…I know it was an LD. I woke up in real life, then i went back to sleep and as soon as i was asleep, i noticed the oddities. I wasnt afraid of the LD, I was just afraid of what happened after I initiated some actions in my dream… I felt myself float, like it was my physical body…it was like i was turning and not moving at the same time. Then I had the vibrations all throuought my mind and body…then I woke up. I’ve been afraid to have an LD since that. This morning I began to have another…but I was so afraid that the vibrations, and the feeling of floating away would happen that I woke up again.

I am fairly sure i had a WILD. I woke up, and fell asleep so quick that my mind was still aware of what was going on. I just have no clue why i felt all those sensations. They were physical, or maybe i was dreaming them… I’m just afraid that somethign will happen, like an OOBE (i’ve been reading since I posted)…i’m not sure if i want an OOBE. Other than that, it was a blast :smile:

Also, i’ve been reading in this forum…theres a few of you talking about a WILD… I may be wrong, but I usually wake up at 9 AM… my sleep schedule is from 3AM to 9AM (i know, i’m a college student…so i just do stuff really late, and then i’m late to class) anyway, my body is used to being asleep when I wake up at 5 am now… so i stay up for a while and go back to sleep…usually i’m so groggy that it’s just easy to slip off to sleep…

Here’s how it goes if you want to LD the way that i have the past 2 days. You’ll begin to hear other voices in your mind, and you’ll kind of have some strange thoughts… Like, I began to hear singing in my mind, and a little kid was in front of me. Now, usually, I will just fall alseep at this point, or wake up and realize that i was dozing off…instead, i keep my eyes closed and I tell myself that it is a dream… soon after, I begin to dream. I dont try to have a concrete thought for a bit…i just kind of let my mind simmer and keep telling myself that i’m dreaming (kind of in a quiet manner, i let my brain go on auto pilot…but i stay aware that it is on auto)… soon after doing this, I have been kicking into an LD. It seems to be the easiest way out of all of them i’ve tried… but then again, as i said up there at the top… I have always had some level of conciousness in all my dreams, and dream recall comes easy to me. I still think this is the best way though.

Yes I know this, but I can’t use it for LDs. You say, you let your mind on autopilot, but stay aware, that it’s on auto. The problem is, when I realize, my mind is doing things it suddenly stops and I return to complete conciousness and all the strange thoughts, music, and so on disappears…

Can you perhaps provide some hints how to solve this problem?

well, not really… this method may not be the one for you. You may need to try a few other things… or try to wake up, stay up for a bit…but still remain so tired tha tyou can fall right to sleep. That way you dont have to concentrate for long at all, you just doze off as soon as you close your eyes

the paralysis worked for me a few times.i was afraid at first
thinking i am going to die or coma, but if you go with the flow you can easy fall into a LD.sometimes i hear my heart beat strong,and felt electricity in body,but i read someware that those are normal body process,because your perception is altered in state of falling asleep.allso you may expirience surrounding sounds like fast forwarding with breaks(cant describe well,bad english sry…)

hahah, thanks… it’s good to know that it may be natural. I dont wanna be dreaming, then the next minute be out of my body, thats all. but hopefully the vibrations were normal

as u can see, i’m pretty new to this, but from what i’ve read it seems like ur 1st account was probably an OBE, but maybe not a WILD, cuz i think in WILD u start off immediately lucid, and in the account it sounds like u didn’t become lucid til u realised something was wrong. tho the hallucinations do sound like WILD. also, in ur first account, u said something about rolling around, and it seems like i’ve heard that in some experiences (can’t remember which ones precisely this was associated with) people say they feel like they roll off or are going to roll off the bed, but this won’t happen to ur physical body cuz ur paralyzed. the second account fully sounds like WILD.