A good dream gone beyond a night terror...

I had fell asleep and before I knew it last night I was dreaming…at first it was a gorgeous dream…I was communicating with God or some sort of spiritual force (I have had succubi in my dreams lately and I haven’t even summoned them…) Anyway in this dream God was female and we were having some sort of conversation. The next thing I know I was in a nightmarish realm which ironically didn’t seem as bad as it looked. It was night and the sky was black but at the horizon the sky was a orange red color even though the sun was not up. There were people and stuff as well however I was being warned about how something bad was going to happen and to stay away from a certain area. Me being adventurous in this lucid dream I had to find out who or what it was. (I’m about to make some Doom references…I thought that they would have been appropriate for this dream as I was dreaming… I play Doom all the time so you can figure out why…) Anyways this dream was about to come to an end as I found myself in the forbidden area a few Demons led me into a house of some sort and I found a bed…I was feeling tired in that dream so I laid down in the bed. I got thirsty and wanted to get up but then a girl walked at the foot of the bed and told me, “I uh, wouldn’t get out of bed if I were you.” I immediately knew the dream had become a night terror. But it got worse. The demon who had set me up for the night terror wanted me to get out of bed and get him something! I immediately told myself, “I have to bail out of this dream…it has gone horribly wrong.” Just as I left something touched my foot as I was in the last part of the night terror which was the thing that was making this into a nightmare. When i woke up my foot was uncovered…my right foot anyway…the same foot that was touched by the nightmarish being. The nightmare was ringing over and over in my head…my heart started racing fast and almost had a panic attack. I turned on the lights and had to walk into the living room to shake it off. The nightmare continued to haunt me even as I was awake for another 2 hours. I finally fell back asleep and confronted the nightmarish being in my first night terror. Turns out the being wasn’t so nightmarish after all.I managed to ban him from my dream and I told him, “This is my realm! You will live by my rules or you won’t be here at all.” So I got rid of him and sort of cleansed my nightmare. Then I woke up and prepared for my day this morning. There you have it.