I am planning to get some sort of routine, because i think ones something is a habbit it gets more powerfull.
This is what i am planning to do:
Giong to bed around 21:30 telling myself to have a lucid dream and recall it when i wake up
waking up whit alarm clock around 3:30, i read that 6 hours should be the best time for WBTB.
Staying up for an hour and reading abit on this forum, before going to bed i will watch that spiral thingie because thats when i had my first lucid dream.
4:30 before falling asleep reminding what i want to do when lucid and dont forget to remember it.
Now i think when you could make a habbit of this you should get rather good in LD.
Whats do you peeps think? sound like a nice routine?
Well I tried WBTB in my last sleep, it did not give me a LD but it did make me remember a lot of my dreams.
All I did was set my alarm clock for 5hours45 mins into my sleep. I put my dream journal next to my bed so when I woke up all I had to do was pick it up from right next to me.
Then I wrote in it all that I could remember from the dreams I just had. It was only 2 sentances coz i couldnt remember much at all. So I kept writing “I AM DREAMING?? YES I AM DREAMING” over and over,…then I just read over a few passed LD’s and sat back, and thought about LD’ing.
I didnt have an LD, but I came close in one dream, and I did end up remembering 5 dreams in just that final hour i slept in! So I think this is a good way to always remember the final hour or so of your dreams, at least.
Hope it helps, even if its just a little,