A little experiment i thought up

i don’t really know where to post this, so im posting in the most general forum i can find. i figure if im posting in the wrong place, it’ll just get moved.
but anyway, i was thinking, it would be cool to see the results of what happened if a whole bunch of people went into an ld by whatever method they choose, and find a way to see the “true god, godess, gods, or godesses”, and see what entity people see.

When you become lucid, find a way to see the true god(s)/godess(es). For example, ask your spirit guide to show you, try and make one walk through a door in front of you, etc. Be sure to specify that you want to see the true god(s)/goddess(es) and not just the true god(if you are a christian, jew, or muslim) or just the true goddess(if you are pagan or whatever). No matter what your religion, be open to any number of gods and gods of any sex. I think this will say something as to wheather lucid dreams are just in our heads or are an extention of, or a seperate reality. I, sadly, am not a proficent lucid dreamer, they only happen every once in awhile for me, and probably will not be paticipating.

I don’t think my religion-ignorant subconcious can make up something as crazy as a god. I’ll pass.

By the way you can post this in either the Quest suggestion topic or the Lab Discussion forum. I’m too lazy to make links right now.

hahaa i like that…

nice post awesomer

Well I’m sure you can conjure up whatever you want while you’re in a lucid dream - whether or not it’s actually God, that is another question - most likely not, because your brain can manifest anything according your expectations.

There was another project similar to this :sad: it was called “the god project”, and then it turned into a shared dreaming project and then became part of the forum but it got taken off because it didnt get anywhere. It was completely unorganised and no body really made any progress. :wink:

I will try it tonight, but if wolb shows up, we are all becoming wolbists, right? JOIN US! WOLBISM RULES! Of course, if I see some guy on a golden throne with a big white beard, we are all going to worship santa? Will this experiment determine what we believe?

i do believe i will have to try this one as soon as i start having LD’s on a regular basis again
i’m technically christian but i am really not part of any religion at heart
i would love to see what my subconscious say’s is god…my luck its probably something stupid like bob dole or big bird or something
hehe :tongue:

Haha, is that GIR in your avatar?

I think someone without the idea of religion would be best to try this experiment on. Our culture influences our ideas of God and I don’t think it would provide a pure example of a true diety. It would be valuable only for yourself to get a picture of what a diety looks like. There is not set view when it comes to religion about what God looks like so each persons vision should be different. Although, if everyone in the world could do this experiment religions might be able to finally get an average of what everyone sees.

Well, I know when you are Astral Projecting, Spirit Guides are very reluctant to even tell you what plain the higher powers are on, even if they know you aren’t nearly experienced enough to reach them anyway. I don’t know would happen in a lucid dream though.

hehe gir is awesome!!

lol anyways…

If I try to see a god, it will probably look like that entity in Futurama that looks like a big purple galaxy. That was the most probable depiction of god I’ve ever seen. That is, if there was a god, it would look like that.

yes that episode was definitely a good example
it really got me thinkin

Thats where one of my favorite quotes comes from.

“If you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.”

An entity of pure energy would probably be the best image of God.

I would probley see myself.

Im Not saying Im God, of corse.

Of course…

Of course…