Well I am new to the site & don’t want to make myself out to sound stupid. I was told that you can enter your own little world by using Lucid Dream Techniques. But is this in anyway Dangerous?
I know this is going to sound stupid but how can you wake yourself up if things get a little bit out of hand / scary?
Well nothing is long-term harmful… The one thing i would think to be bad and harmful about LDIng is WILD and having Sleep Paralysis where you cannot move your body for a short period of time but it wears off and does not happen often.
As for being scared there may be times when you cannot control your dreams and get too out of hand or too many false awakenings happening, the best way i have found to wake up from a bad dream is to say “I am now going to Wake up” and Blinking really hard and opening it and will be in the real world. I hope this helps
And dont worry it is not a stupid question things like that happen all the time.
Thank you for the welcome & your reply. I mean I have had dreams in the past where I have told myself this is just a dream. Actually thinking about it I must have had one before and not known about it.
A year ago, I can remember having a dream where I was saying to myself this is just a dream and I can get away from these people ( trying to run me over ) so I said " car " and I was in a car driving away, I then shouted ( more like screamed ) wake up and shook my head and I woke up.
Is this some form of Lucid dream?
I have only just found out today from this website that you can enter Lucid dreams at your own will ( experienced people of course ) That is why I am so interested and excited to be here.
Excuse my spelling it’s 3:07 am in the morning here.
That’s a lucid dream alright! Yea some of my first LDs were caused by nightmares. I suppose it has to do the intense fear that makes your brain just “snap out of it” so to speak. Also once you get used to it you will realize that you have nothing to fear at all, because its all illusory & and (in a LD) ultimately under your control.
I did the breathing exercise whilst I was laid down, Had some very strange visual effects & a rather large amount of weight on my body. Almost as if I could not move, These patterns that are hard to describe was getting bigger, Then my body just entered freak out mode and I woke up.
Is it normal for your head / hands / everywhere to tingle when trying to enter a lucid stage?
Yep, and you might hear a constant electronic, whooshing, tinny noise. I can’t really describe it too well, but that, the electrified tingling feeling and a few visual hallucinations usually occur when you’re using WILD or DEILD and getting close to entering a dream.
Well glad to see your enjoying ld4all and way to go on the WILD how long did it take you to see the shapes? I have a difficult time WILDing so your lucky you came pretty close and my first two lucid dreams were entered in random too where without a reality check even when I was trying to RC it just happened so yes that was a lucid dream.