A lot of questions I have about Lucidity.

I really want to become lucid, now that I realize what I can do in dreams and whatnot. I’m trying to start, and I tried a while back. I wrote down at least 2 weeks worth of dreams on my computer, and found no theme whatsoever (the only theme is stuff I would have never expected, which is in some ways what a subconcious dream is, cause you dont expect it). They were usually quite dull like me eating at a lunch table/going on the computer/the WB water tower ( :content: )/rampaging pineapple homes on vaccum cords (well, this was cause of watching a Spongebob episode that day, hah)/placing leaves on steps in order to get rodents to name a few.

So I basically got lost between the record and recognize. I couldnt see a pattern except randomness, and random can’t be a pattern. Unless there is some hidden thing that I haven’t found yet. But anyways, I can remember my dreams pretty well, I just dont write them down anymore because I don’t have enough time for getting ready for school or I’ll be too tired to get up. I can remember dreams when I wake up, but it doesnt stay in my head forever, I probably forget about it the next day. Is recording essential for becoming lucid?

I think one thing I am doing wrong is that I kind of want it before going to bed.

Also, there are plenty things wrong/RC-able in my dreams, but for some reason, my dream persona doesnt realize this, and I/he decide to go on with the dream as if its complete reality (when I say he, that means me while dreaming).

Any tips/suggestions any of you pros could give me? Also, what technique should I start out on? I want advice so I dont have to take 20-40 days on each method and such.

Dreamsigns have categories, like action, context, form…
Categorising the signs you find can give you a general idea of what to look for. Such as. If you notice that alot of dreamsigns fall under the category “form”, pay attention to the forms of things, in real life. There is this whole system of categories, i can’t remember all the variables, but you may find it somewhere here. It is in EWLD. Or you can make up your own system.

Try MILD and Wake-Back-To-Bed, with a bunch of reality checks thrown in randomly through out the day (whenever you remember). And keep up with your journal. :smile:

I checked the list, and I’m pretty sure mine is context. So, being that, what should I do now? Should I always be aware of the situation in real life so I might do it in a dream?

And I’ll try using the MILD method tonight.

Yes, when you are in the siduation IRL, then do an RC. It is best to take the time to do you RC, then think about what would happen if you were dreaming when you did the RC. Like if you were dreaming and counting your fingers, you would have 6 fingers on each hand. Then think about what you would do if you became lucid in a dream. You do not need to do lots of RC’s durring the day, but when you do them, do them right. Realy question reality, and think about how it would be different if you were dreaming.
As to your question about recording your dreams, it is not essential to becomeing lucid. It is just that it helps your DR, and helps in your search for DS’s. If you have a LD and don’t remember it, then it is as bad as if you didn’t have one. It may take some time befor you find any DS’s in your dreams, that is also a reason to keep a DJ. The more dreams that you remember, and can look back on, the better your chances of remembering an LD, and seeing DS’s.

So what would I do in a brief RC with context? Just realize where I am, think what the place would be like in a dream and then imagine becoming lucid?

Yes basically. But with context, pay some attention to to your situation more, just …overall. Like. think about what’s normal. Observe. Being more observant IRL will make you more observant in dreams anyway. With the dreamsign category you know a little more specifically what to be observant of, for the purpose of lucid dreaming.