A magic trick, and how I do it

Ive been working on this magic trick for three years now, and I wanted to know what you think about it. At first the trick was going to be where you think of a card, and I would even let the spectator pull the cards out of the box I wouldnt touch them, and the card he thought of would be the only card in the deck that would be upside down. Now when I was first working on this trick it was very complicated, and I thought of away of making it simpler. The trick at first would of been done by having about 52diffrent tricks depending on what card was thought of for example if they chose the 5 of hearts the card would be tattooed on my back. If they chose the 7 of clubs it would be the top card on the deck. Another would be the upside down card. It was really really complicated, and I allmost gave up on trying to make it simpler. The I thought of a cool way to narrow 52 diffrent cards(tricks) into 12 by using dice to pick the card. Now anyone who isnt fermilar with dice such as someon who dosnt play craps wouldnt know that the most common numbers rolled are 6 7, and 8. So I use dice to pick the rank of the card, and a coin flip to choose the suit of the card. Now if anything other then a 6 7 or 8 is rolled I just simply show them some other dice trick, but I have 12 diffrent tricks set up for when they roll the 6 7 or 8. I havnt tried it out on anyone yet, because Im still fine tuning the trick. So do you think it would be a cool trick… If I just didnt allready tell you how its done, and if you can think of away to make it better let me know please.

“At first the trick was going to be where you think of a card, and I would even let the spectator pull the cards out of the box I wouldnt touch them, and the card he thought of would be the only card in the deck that would be upside down.”

I don’t know if you’re aware of it but that trick already exists - the only difference is, the magician has to go through the pack and not an audience member. I own it myself - it’s a cool trick. If you want to buy the trick let me know and I’ll tell you where you can get it from.