A mouse!

:smile: Hey guys, for those of you who haven’t seen me before I am new here, duh.

Well anywho, I was wondering how many others of you like to shape-shift in your lucid dreams and what your favorite thing to become is. Or if you aren’t a shape-shifter or even a ld’er, what are some good ideas of things to become in lucid dreams?

I got the impression that I should post this thread after awakening from a lucid dream this morning in which I shape-shifted into a mouse! :content:

Hello Darxide :wave: and welcome to ld4all :content:

I haven’t tried shapeshifting in a LD yet, but it’s on my to do list. And you could maybe try to make yourself into a lake or even a planet and see what that feels like :grin:

yea, i would try something more domestic first, like a bird or tiger, or maybe a building, then move on to a planet! :cool:

Sounds cool, guys, btw, Jarod, if that’s your real name it’s my real name too, except I spell it as Jared. :smile:

Anywho, what could I do as a building or a planet? As a bird I can fly :smile: theres a good idea and as a tiger I can eat my little brother! :tongue:


welcome Darxide :wave:
I tried shapeshifting once, I became an eagle then a leopard. It was a wierd feeling… hmmmm… like I was acting like a bird or a leopard… well ‘anywho’ :happy: good luck with that!

Actually, it’s not my real name :tongue: My real name begins with a J though and it has 5 letters :content:

Heheh, nyce! Well thnx for the feedback! :smile:

I had a similar dream…but here comes the weird part: when I became lucid I already was a dog !!! :eek:

Sounds like a good reality check: Am I human? :wink:

Hahah tyte, yeah, you’d think you’d know you were dreaming if you were a dog!