A New Abrieviation?

I recently (this morning) had a dream in which I was given some work but found it very boring and started to daydream in my ND and this daydream developed into a ‘‘sub’’ ND… and then I realised I was daydreaming and it then went back to the ND…

the day dream itself was very vivid just like a ND

could this be coined a SND (sub-normal dream) or anything like that?

anyone else had an experience of this?

  • Silva

This has never happened to me, but sounds interesting…

I think there is already an abreviation for this though, if there is I cant remember what it is…
Although, it wasnt for daydreams, it was for normal dreams inside normal dreams, which I guess is different…

The acronym you’re looking for is MD (Meta Dream). I think… I’m not sure if it includes daydreams either, but… Well, I’d just consider it a dream within a dream because I’m lazy. :tongue:

Now that I think about it though, it can’t really be a MD since you didn’t really fall asleep in your dream…Hmm…

MDD! Meta-Dream Daydream then?
very interesting

Kindda like one thing I did once…

I realised I was dreaming and became lucid. But the dream was near the end, and only last about twenty seconds.

In my next dream, I started it off as day dreaming about carrying on the LD (I was imagening it), but I got bored and just carried on with the new ND…

yea a MDD sounds right… :smile: