A new question! :D

Ok, thanks for the answers to my previous question, but now I have another…

I tried to do a wild last night…but after a while, it felt like my whole body went numb (so numb I could barely feel myself breathing) and I just stayed like that and it felt like I wasn’t making any more progress… is this normal? And if it is, is there a way to get past this? Or do I just have to wait through it?

Edit: This was posted in answer to a different question that was later changed by the original poster.

No, now you’re trying to build up a false illusion that LD could be a bad experience and you’re trying to fill your mind whit as many negative things about it as possible…forget all that nonsense.

If this is your first time trying to have an Lucid experience then rememebr that it’s a learning process and that it takes time and practise but is fully possible.
If you happend to experience a bad thing in a LD or a normal dream for that matter, try not to think negativly about it and instead try find reasons why it occured and how you could overcome it next time…see it as a part of your “training”.

Sure it’s possible that DC may go “Insane”, but there are many different ways to “Fix That” either by attacking, wishing them go away or the friendly “Hug them and show them that you’re nice so why should’nt they also be?”

  • Tywald

It’s exactly that. It’s all in your SC.

Just belive it will happen and it WILL happen!

Also – you will be stuck in one place ONLY if you belive that you can’t change the surroundings. But you can. So change them! It’s easy as that.

Anyways, I wish you luck!

Hi :smile:
Dont worry about being alone in the dream :lol: thats just silly !
Your dream is created by you, subconsciously and consciously.
If you are Lucid, you can do whatever you want, you won’t have full control in your first LD but youll get it slowly and that means being able to spawn people, scenarios, places, anything you want.
Even if you wont have the best control in your first LD or in any dream at all, I highly doubt you will ever be lonely as that implies your subconscious is kinda empty which is kinda impossible… :content:
so dont worry about it. If you will be alone, it will probably be in a place that grabs your full attention.
Also, anything you are afraid of is probably more likely to happen in a ND. Anyway, being lucid will simply give you the awareness to deal with whatever comes in your dream whether you consciously spawn it or not, so there really is no reason to be afraid.
Relax and have fun.
Think about what you want to do, think about how great it will be to fly with your best friend, to do whatever you desire.
Cheers again, if you have any questions feel free to PM

This is definately not something you should dwell on, in a LD, you can do ANYTHING you want, including conjur up people.

But I have a question, has anyone ever conjured someone without really trying, just wishing it?

Oh yeah, I have. I was walking around in a LD…then I began thinking about Prison Break. I thought of how fun it would be if I could only figure out how to get them there. I hear my name called I turn around, and BAM! There stands Michael, and Mahone. :tongue:

Now, I am not really sure how that happened. I guess it was a subconscious conjure. :hmmm:

Just tell yourself “_____ is behind me.” and then turn around. Whatever or whoever you said was behind you should be there, if not, just keep trying. :happy:

Yeah dream characters can go insane, but they can’t really hurt you in any way so don’t worry. It’s just like a normal dream, if you get hurt or die, you’re not going to get hurt in real life. :razz:

If something isn’t to your liking you have 2 options: 1) Wish whatever you don’t like away. 2) Wake up. All you need to do is focus on your real body and in a few seconds you should find yourself back in your bed, but make sure to do a reality check or it may be a false awakening. :content:

Dream characters can say a wide range of things, too. They may say something philosophical that changes your life or they may mumble about their peanut butter not fighting to the death with a turtle like they wanted it to. :bored:

I sense you’re a pessimist. If I’m correct, then yes you will be terribly lonely because every friendly-seeming DC you meet is just a puppet of yours or else they don’t make sense; and you’ll always be afraid, rightfully so because whatever creepy stalker-watchers and demons you can think of WILL indeed manifest. You’ll need to use night-lights again, but will still wake up screaming, and tremble wakefully until dawn, and wet your bed and someone will find out and everyone at school will point at you and laugh and laugh. So don’t bother! Better to just sleep peacefully and forget all your dreams halfway to the shower, like everybody else.

If you don’t believe the consequences will be that bad-- well, you might be right :wink: but working with the subconscious still takes practice, and practice means being open to making mistakes.
The DC you want to talk to might go crazy and demonic in the middle of the conversation because there’s something else in your SC that’s vying for your attention, that it just needs to get out, or maybe you just don’t have the discipline yet.
You might fail, in intense panic, to phase through the walls of a booby-trapped dream labyrinth as the walls close in.

But, as you get better… you’ll become just as good at being able to manifest a proper conversation, a party, even look forward to demons and monsters popping up because the over-the-top-ness of nightmares lets you RC and supplies an adventure you’re rigged to win. Some dreams you might choose to step, with Mary-Sue grace, into your favorite novel that with a casual thought you can change the setting to your favorite TV series instead.

True, the SC is just plain weird and scary sometimes-- I’ve read of a very very advanced lucid dreamer who still couldn’t escape Freddy Kreuger. If you don’t want your fears to hold you back, though, think of the rewards. And the pitfalls-- a little like waking life, you either learn from, to reap greater rewards… or else they just happen and you get over them (because, hopefully, they happen less often than pursuing these rewards wouldn’t be worth anymore.)

Hope this helps!

Pessimism? Bad Experience? What does this have to do with any of that?..I’m so confused by the previous posts :confused: :confused: :confused:

I originally had a different question up there, sorry for the confusion =[ I edited it from the original (changed the body and title of the post).

Whoa! Question got changed here…Tywald was a bit confused there!

It’s better for all of us if you just post your other questions as new posts in this thread instead of changing the first original post.

  • Tywald