hey ithought of a new reality check.write “do a reality check” or on on your palms in big letters and then look at your palms every 90 minutes and then you will look at your palms in your dreams and your palms will remind you to do a reality check
you could also write it on a piecof paper that you stick in your pocket and pull it out every 90 minutes and it should have the same effect
I dont see what the use of the paper/writting is. THe hard part would be remembering every 90 mins, I also dont see how this is a new RC, its basically just doing an RC every 90 mins…?
Could you explain more plz?
why on your ppalms? its much harder to get it rememerised! if you would write it, lets say, in between your index and yor thumb, thats a usual place for your eyes to see, maybe int he corner of your eye. And once you see this, it should clue in that you should relook at the word. Doing this is much better. Especialy that it will most likly be more often then every 90 minutes. At work, was doing it every 10 minutes . Also, i nthe pocket wouldnt be too smart. You would easly forget to check it out. And even ify ou are about to, you might procrastinate due to lazyness…
If you can remember to do something every 90 minutes, why not just train yourself to do an RC, instead of looking at your palms and being told to do one?
I’ve tried Indypunk’s method of writing the words on paper for an RC. I’m sorry to say that I didn’t stick with the method long enough to get any conclusive results on whether or not it works. In another month I’m going to start using a digital wristwatch for RC’s. The digital RC is by far the most effective for me.
just an idea.anyways you could change it anyhow you wantyed i was just saying you should write it down somewhere and look atit every 90 minutes doesnt have to be your palms or paper…i think this technique would work better for VILD(as described in pedros post) than normal dreams