I had a normal dream a long time ago… very very random, but I learned something I’ll never forget. I was standing in the middle of (basically) nowhere and I began to absorb energy with my arms spread with a little bit of concentration. I could see and feel energy flowing into my being, like charging up. NOT like Dragon Ball Z how they scream and push, LOL! No. Just a very natural charging, calming and medatative.
This is the exact opposite of the common technique that (basically) everyone seems to be using while they dream and that is: forcing energy out of you instead of simply allowing energy to come out. Forcing out energy (tensing up, concentrating hard, pushing) is tiring in the dream world makes it hard on you to do something very powerful.
Absorbing energy requires only concentration. After you’ve absorbed the energy, you can allow the energy to escape out of you creating very powerful effects (whatever you want). So try this little meditation technique before you go to bed. This step will allow you to take this knowledge more easily into your lucid dreams by practicing in waking life:
-Sit, stand, lay in bed, whatever you want.
-Close your eyes and imagine energy slowly flowing into every part of your body. Imagine feeling the energy too.
-You can make the rest up, but what I like to do is then start imagining the energy circling my arms and hands, stuff like that. I like to imagine feeling a strong tingly sensation when the energy is concentrated in one place.
-When in the dream world you can use this technique and explode outwardly with energy instead of tiringly forcing energy out of you.
This medatative technique might actually be good for WILDing, but mainly I want you to learn better ways of “using powers” to destroy things or whatever you do while dreaming. So the gaoal here is to absorb energy and then allow the energy to come out whenever you want instead of tiring yourself out.
It still reminds me of DBZ, when Goku was gathering energy from the people of Earth to do the Spirit Bomb. He wasn’t really screaming with a flame around him like normal charging in DBZ.
ok, we aren’t gathering energy from dream characters. I mean if thats how you want to work it, by all means! Whatever floats your boat. But my boat is not afloat because of silly DBZ, excuse me if you are a fan of the show and are insulted by me saying DBZ is silly.
You know that gives me an idea though. It definitely isn’t out of sanity to gather energy from other sources like dream characters or something. Hell, why not imagine an energy orb that gives you energy? Everything pretty much beats the idea of tiring yourself out trying to force something out of you.
Aditionally, since dreams are so open ended, you may not even have to gather energy. You could simply just will your powers to happen. JUST DON’T TENSE UP!! That just makes your dream body get tired for some reason.
I think it’s a very good idea. Too bad that you didn’t tried it in a LD. This dream energy stuff, gathering dream energy or in the opposite forcing it out and its results and relations to being or no more being able to fly, to control things, etc. sounds like an interesting track.
In LD’s we can do what we believe we can do. Now, often something like making lightning shoot from your hands is hard to do, because it goes against everything that we are taught in real life. You expect not to be able to do it. The method your suggesting seems like a good way to make something seem more believable (it makes more sense to have energy flowing out of us if it’s also flowing in), and hence easier to do.
If you have trouble doing something, you could use this to let you be able to do it, and then gradually do it less and less until you can do without it.
There’s a good quote from The Matrix which I think applies.
Neo - “What are you trying to tell me, that I can dodge bullets?”
Morpheus - “No Neo. I’m trying to tell you that when you’re ready, you won’t have to.”
This is a great idea. It sort of stabalizes the dream, and makes everything in the dream seem more mentally plausable. Hrmmm, good work on the powerful-power-technique-making.
It sure as hell sounds better than concentrating alot on trying to do a simple task. But really, you do not need to asborb enegry/power up to do anything either. All you need is belief/confidence in your ability to do something. If you have confidence, then you can lift a car with your thoughts without more than a simple thought that you want to do it. In a lucid dream it is just as easy to lift a feather as to lift a whole building. The belief that you need to concentrate or use some kind of energy is exactly what also stop you from having easy control. Dreams are all about expectations, which is why confidence is all you need. If you expect to be able to lift that car with pure thought, then it is as easy as walking.
The reason why this works for you, is because you expect the powerup to actually help and also expect that you cannot do it without such a trick.
If it is fun, then go ahead Whatever works best for you is of course the way to go. I am just debating wether it is needed or not and think that depending too much on methods can create a mindblockage in itself. But i definitely understand why someone would want to use such method instead of for example snapping your fingers. An example is that i myself usually walk around in my lucid dreams when i could instead fly or just transport myself to a place. This is because i find it more interesting to explore what random scenery/situations my mind create instead of actually trying to control everyhting myself.