A new WILD technique idea

I tried it, no success but fun indeed ^^ I have pretty good imagination so swordfighting was fun :happy: I’ve never succeeded with WILD anyway so I didn’t expect to succeed here either. Gonna try tonight again though :happy:

Thanks for telling me what you did MovieMe; I’ve never had any success with WILD either, but I keep trying, Im hoping this technique will turn it around for me…eventually, lol

I’m not really sure what I did wrong. Maybe I just need a little more imagination :wink:. I’ll try this when I do WILD + WBTB tonight.

ok, good luck :happy:

I tried it last night, but it didn’t really work for me. I don’t usualy use WILD because I can’t keep myself occupied for long (short attention span lol :razz:) so that’s maybe why it didn’t work for me. Nice idea though! :wink:

ld411, WOW! I am so happy to know it has actually worked for someone!! :woo: and your longest ld yet? Woot! Have you done WILD before? Id be really interested in hearing about your dream and what you did in it!

Yes i have done WILD before but i always failed. Well first i used ure idea on visulizing that im driving 300mph. I kept visualizing untill i was dreaming. It took about 5 mins. Then i became lucid, i did a reality check just to make sure. The dream started to fade :grrr: . But i started to rub my hands and the dream stoped fading :grin:. I was still driving the car at 300mph which iz insane!!! Then i decided to stop and fly around and see where i am. I saw buildings ppl and other things. I mostly flew but i tried to become invisible which wasss SOOOO KOOOL!!! Thats all i can remember.

that is awesome ld411!

Indeed :om:

ld411: Is it correct that you had never before succeeded with WILD?

(I love talking like this, it’s fun… Indeed ^^)

yes its true that ive never had sucsess with WILD before.

Nessy1, the whole idea of this technique was to try to help out people with short attention spans who couldnt stay focused on the more conventional WILD techniques.

ld411, I am soooo happy!:smiley: this makes my whole posting of this topic worthwhile. It also motivates me to take my own technique more seriously now that it has worked for someone! I am so glad I helped you have your first WILD, and hope to follow with my own first WILD :wink:.

I hope to hear many more success stories! but if anyone is confused about the technique, feel free to ask questions.

YAYYYYYYYYY!!!.. i love this technique. It worked again last night! But the lucid dream was only 15 mins this timee… Still itss the best technique ive ever used. So i did the same thing, i visulized that im driving a lamborghini(its my favorite car lol) at 300 mph!! I then was in a dream and was really driving it. I stoped the car and came out. I did a RC and i flew around for about 2 mins. Then i wanted to try sumthing ive never done in a lucid dream, I tried to breathe under water. First time i tried it, it didnt work. Second time it did. It was AWSOMEEEEEEEEEE!1!!! o yea 1 other thing i did was i tried to morph myself into an animal( a dog) and i did, but then i got soo excited that i woke upp :grrr: . But i really love this technique!!! Thanx a lot!!!

Good idea, it helps for those of use with short atention spans I think.

I prefer a repition or meditation technique

Such as laying in a very comfortable, and unusual position and falling asleep

Thanks, Renegade, very comfortable and unusual? What do you mean?

Like on your stomach? :smile:

I’m doing this one tonight. Great idea rarebreed, inspired. Of course, I prefer to have the proper state of mind. I’m not gonna try it tonight, I’m gonna succeed with it tonight. I’ll post my success tomorrow, I refuse to fail.

Good luck tonight, everyone. Again, brilliant rarebreed.

I dont know that on your stomach is all that unusual, MovieMe, but I suppose that is a matter of opinion.

Im glad you like the idea, tribemaker, I look forward to reading about your success :wink:.

yea ill definetly try this tonight. i have trouble getting ‘into’ my dream, and this might help it by distracting me from myself falling asleep