when i was lying in bed last night thinking about dreaming, i found myself remembering old dreams i thought i forgot. i think one or two might have been lucid because i remember telling myself what to do, except not realizing i was dreaming. maybe i was prelucid, i dunno. but those were like almost two years ago when i didn’t know what lucid dreaming was so what does that mean, and, would remembering your old dreams tell your brain anything about remembering new dreams or something like that?
After I started all this lucid dreaming stuff, I’ve been able to remember a shitload of dreams that I had before forgotten, very old ones indeed. It’s a nice thing. I don’t know if it has anything to do with improving dream recall, but rather flashbacks, like seeing something that resembles something in that dream that triggered the memory. Once or twice I’ve had these surges of remembering where I remember one dream, then two or more flood my memory, it’s a pretty cool experience.
I had an interesting experience the other night… In my dream, I was shown a photograph of myself and a girl-friend at this beach. When the DC gave me the photograph, I “remembered” the whole incident very clearly, even though it had happened a number of years ago. When I woke up, I realized that the beach incident had never happened IRL. But the more I thought about it, I started to recall a dream a number of years ago where this event must have taken place. I also remember the same DC having taken a picture of us while at the beach!
I guess it just took a few years for him to develop the dream-film and get the picture to me.
haha dude that is so cool
Whoa . . . by reading this topic I just remembered 2 REALLY old dreams . . . and one of them was a recurring dream that was one of the coolest I had ever had.
That same type of thing happens to me too, It’s like the mind folding back on itself or something, totally weird!
MetaKnight: For the love of lucidity, make your avatar smaller!