A question...

Was this a lucid dream I experienced? I thought it was whilst I was asleep, but the doubt sliped into my mind.

In a dream, I suddenly realised I was dreaming. This has happend to me on a number of occasions recently, but each time I wake up strait away. The same happend this time.

However, this time I kept my eyes closed once I woke up, and just thought about the dream (I could only remember the last couple of seconds though). As a lay there, staring into the blackness of my eyes, it all just seemed to swirl. Kindda weird. I was asleep after about five seconds. I started dremaing normally, but it wasn’t long before I went lucid. At least, I belived I was at the time.

This is what it felt like:

The world seemed to swirl again. My field of vision seemed to increase (I find that in normal dreams my line of sight is rather small, with btis ‘cut’ of left and right). Here my eyesight was nearly the same as in RL.
Everything went mroe vivid (especially the colorus). I stared at my hands for a couple of second, as I heard that was a good thing to do to calm you down.

I then went for a walk. I didn’t do any of the special flying and stuff. I just walked and thought to myself. That alone is strange, becuase I have never had a dream before when I could think. I tried to figure out how I did this, what it was like etc.

I woke up after a while, but I repeated what i did earler and in no time I was asleep again, aparantly lucid. Before I went to sleep, I was upset I hadn’t looked at the sky.

The first thing I did when I started dreaming was to look at the sky. It was purple and amber. Normally I would have looked at it for a while, but something was bugging me. It was strange that I had only looked at the sky then, and hadn’t noticed it’s colour earlier.
Oh, and I was in the same place I had been in the last dream. Only on the other side of the road.

I walked around again, trying to figure out if I was lucid or not. I decided to try and put my hand through my other hand (a RC I had heard here). My vision started to cloud over, and I woke up. All Iw as left with the impression that the RC had failed (same result as in RL).

I couldn’t get back to sleep, cos my brother was making too much noise.

So… was that a lucid dream? Or was it just a very vivid dream?

P.S. sorry about the length of the post :tongue:.

Dunno if it’s just me, but I seem to see a lot of posts where people say that they realized they were dreaming, but then question if it was a lucid dream.
Not sure what everyone else’s definition is, but as far as I’m concerned, if you truly realize you’re dreaming, it’s a lucid dream… then there may be questions of length or quality, but it’s still a lucid dream.
A rather esoteric exception may be a ND where you dream that you become lucid (know it’s a dream), but really you do not realize it, you only dream you do. Personally, I’d rather leave one that alone… not sure if it really happens.
So Sureal, are you actually asking if this is a lucid dream you had, or are you questioning how it’s level/quality compares to others’?

Sruthan that does happen. In fact, it happened to me. It’s a sign of becoming close to being lucid.

Besides, I think he was asking about the second dream, after he woke up.

It was in both. At no point in the dream did I ever say to myself, ‘Hey! I’m dreaming!’. The dream just felt different, I actually said to myself, ‘Hey, I’m lucid!’.

I surpose there both very similiar, but it’d be possible to dream about being lucid. After all, it’s just another piece of information floating about inside my head.